All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
6.0.3 - 2025-01-28
- Make more specific Lighttpd configuration not to block the root namespace
6.0.2 - 2024-11-27
- Added & updated Weblate translations
- Enhanced JSON response handling & added Content-Type header to cgi script
6.0.1 - 2024-09-16
- Fixed position of tooltips in styles.css
6.0.0 - 2024-09-13
- Added & updated Weblate translations
- Added Bootswatch v5.3.3
- Added window.matchMedia mocking to setupTests.js
- Added Access-Control-Allow-Origin header globally
- Redirect to HTTPS if available
- Refactored Dark Mode
- Refactored index.scss & styles to match common Turris Bootstrap theme
- Refactored ThemeContext to improve theme handling and favicon change
- Refactored Header items to use icons with tooltips
- Refactored ErrorBoundary component for improved error handling and UI display
- Set document language based on selected locale
- Other improvements in styles and code
- NPM audit fix
5.0.1 - 2024-06-15
- Changed the naming of artifacts in GitLab CI/CD
- NPM audit fix
5.0.0 - 2024-05-30
- Added & update Weblate translations
- Migrated from react-scripts to Vite
- Migrated mocked API calls to MSW
- Migrated from Jest to Vitest
- Migrated to Bootstrap 5
- Updated React to 18
- Updated packages to latest versions
- Updated Node.js to 20 in CI/CD
- Updated
- Other improvements in styles and code
- Removed GitLab CI/CD unit test for coverage
4.1.0 - 2023-02-22
- Added
stage to GitLab CI - Added GitLab CI/CD unit test for coverage
- Added login and logout support for turris-auth
- Reworked app icons and tooltips
- Dropped unreleased section in Changelog
- Changed primary color to Turris specific
- Removed obsolete styles
4.0.0 - 2022-12-31
- Migrate to React.js
- Add language switcher
- Add GitLab CI
- Other improvements
3.7 - 2021-09-27
- Use color-scheme detection for theme
- Sync translations with Turris OS
- Improve cards transitions
- Fix headline in README
3.6 - 2021-02-19
- Add CSS loader
- Add tabbing navigation
- Refactor page loading stages
- Handle special case with only one app
3.5 - 2021-01-26
- Make sure default application is listed first
3.4 - 2020-12-11
- Add light/dark favicon switch
- Reduce app card's width size
- Fix default's app focus outline unevenness
- Fix "default" wording
3.3 - 2020-10-16
- Fix odd icons padding
- Fix cards transitions
3.2 - 2020-09-25
- Fix shadows in Dark Mode
- Reduce intro paddings
- Style noscript warning
- Fix dark-mode toggle on page load
- Add dark-mode source js & update minified file
3.1 - 2020-09-22
- Fix default translations
- Remove obsolete icons
- Add color icons
- Update monochrome icons
- Add two columns on medium screens
3.0 - 2020-09-17
- Including redesign using bootstrap
- Minor fixes on backend (introduced @HOST@ notation)
- Some basic documentation
2.9 - 2020-09-11
- Redesign WebApps (bootstrap style)
- Add dark mode
2.0 - 2020-07-23
- Release version 2.0 - first release of the new system rewritten from scratch
1.2 - 2020-06-25
- Initial version