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Volumetric Similarity Metric (VolSiM) for Vectorial and Scalar 3D Data

This repository contains the source code for the paper Learning Similarity Metrics for Volumetric Simulations with Multiscale CNNs by Georg Kohl, Liwei Chen, and Nils Thuerey.

VolSiM is a metric intended as a comparison method for dense, volumetric, vectorial or scalar data from numerical simulations. It computes a scalar distance value from two inputs that indicates the similarity between them, where a higher value indicates stronger differences. Traditional metrics like L1 or L2 distances or the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) are suboptimal comparison methods for simulation data, as they only consider element-wise comparisons and cannot capture structures on different scales or contextual information. For example, consider a volumetric checkerboard pattern and a version that is translated by one voxel along one dimension. Comparing both element-wise leads to a large distance as all voxels are very different, even though the structure of both patterns is identical. Instead of comparing element-wise, VolSiM extracts deep feature maps with a multiscale CNN structure from both inputs and compares them. This means similarity on different scales and recurring structures or patterns are considered in the distance evaluation.

Further information is available at our project website. To compare scalar 2D data, you can have a look at our CNN-based metric LSiM that was specifically designed for this data domain. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or suggestions regarding our work or the source code provided here.


In the following, Linux is assumed as the OS but the installation on Windows should be similar. First, clone this repository to a destination of your choice.

git clone

We recommend to install the required python packages (see requirements.txt) via a conda environment (e.g. using miniconda), but it may be possible to install them with pip (e.g. via venv for a separate environment) as well.

conda create --name VOLSIM_Env --file requirements.txt --channel default --channel pytorch
conda activate VOLSIM_Env

To test if the installation was successful, run (see below) and check if the distance output matches with the comment at the bottom of the script. In the following all commands should be run from the root folder of the repository. If you encounter problems with installing, training, or evaluating the metric, let us know by opening an issue.

Basic Usage

To evaluate the metric on two numpy arrays arr1, arr2 you only need to load the model and call the computeDistance method. Supported input shapes are [width, height, depth, channels] or [batch, width, height, depth, channels], with one or three channels.

from volsim.distance_model import *
model = DistanceModel.load("models/VolSiM.pth", useGPU=True)
dist = model.computeDistance(arr1, arr2, normalize=True, interpolate=False)
# resulting shapes: input -> output
# [width, height, depth, channel] -> [1]
# [batch, width, height, depth, channel] -> [batch]

The input processing can be modified via the parameters normalize and interpolate. The normalize argument indicates that both input arrays will be normalized to [-1,1] via a min-max normalization. In general, this setting is recommended as the metric CNN was trained on this value range, but if the data is already normalized before, it can be omitted. The interpolate argument determines if both inputs are interpolated to the input size of 64x64x64 on which the network was trained via a cubic spline interpolation. Since the model is fully convolutional, different input shapes are possible as well, and we determined that the metric still remains stable for spatial input dimensions between 32x32x32 - 128x128x128. Outside this range the model performance may drop, and too small inputs can cause issues as the feature extractor spatially reduces the input dimensions.

The resulting numpy array dist contains distance values with shape [1] or [batch] depending on the shape of the inputs. If the evaluation should only use the CPU, set useGPU=False when loading the model. A simple example is shown in, and shows a more advanced usage with a correlation evaluation. To run these examples use:

python src/
python src/

Data Generation, Download, and Processing

Downloading our data

Our data sets at resolution $64^3$ (archive size ~89 GB, uncompressed data ~500 GB) can be downloaded via any web browser, ftp, or rsync here: Use this command to directly download all data sets (rsync password: m1703144):

rsync -P rsync://* ./data

It is recommended to check the .zip archives for corruption, by comparing the SHA512 hash of each downloaded file that can be computed via

sha512sum data/*.zip

with the corresponding content of the checksum file downloaded to data/checksums.sha512. If the hashes do not match, restart the download or try a different download method. Once the download is complete, the data set archives can be extracted with:

unzip -o -d data "data/*.zip"

Furthermore, it is also possible to separately download the individiual sub data sets by replacing the * in all three commands above with one of the following archive names:

Archive Name Size Description 5.9 GB Training + validation set $\texttt{Adv}$ with data from the Advection-Diffusion equation 16.0 GB Training + validation set $\texttt{Bur}$ with data from the Burgers' equation 5.7 GB Training + validation set $\texttt{Liq}$ with data from liquid simulations 17.0 GB Training + validation set $\texttt{Smo}$ with data from smoke simulations 0.73 GB Test set $\texttt{AdvD}$ with data from the Advection-Diffusion equation 1.8 GB Test set $\texttt{LiqN}$ with data from liquid simulations 0.64 GB Test set $\texttt{Sha}$ with moving shapes data 1.3 GB Test set $\texttt{Wav}$ with moving damped wave data 1.8 GB Test set $\texttt{Iso}$ with JHTDB data of isotropic turbulence 1.8 GB Test set $\texttt{Cha}$ with JHTDB data from a channel flow 1.8 GB Test set $\texttt{Mhd}$ with JHTDB data of magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence 1.8 GB Test set $\texttt{Tra}$ with JHTDB data from a transitional boundary layer 6.2 GB Test set $\texttt{SF}$ with data from ScalarFlow 11.0 GB Additional $\texttt{Iso}$ data to train the MS_addedIso and MS_onlyIso models 18.0 GB Additional $\texttt{Iso}$ data to train the MS_onlyIso model
(checksums.sha512) (4.0 KB) (Checksum file only used to check archive validity)

Generation from MantaFlow

Click to expand detailed MantaFlow instructions

To generate data with the fluid solver MantaFlow, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the MantaFlow source code and follow the installation instructions. Our additional code assumes the usage of commit 3a74f09! Newer commits might still work, but may cause problems.
  2. Ensure that numpy and imageio are installed in the python environment used for MantaFlow.
  3. Add our implementation of some additional functionality to the solver by replacing the following files in your MantaFlow directory, then re-build the solver:
    • Replace source/plugin/numpyconvert.cpp with data/generation_scripts/MantaFlow/source/numpyconvert.cpp (for the copyArrayToGridInt and copyGridToArrayInt functions)
    • Replace source/conjugategrad.cpp with data/generation_scripts/MantaFlow/source/conjugategrad.cpp (for the ApplyMatrix1D and cgSolveDiffusion1D functions)
    • Replace source/test.cpp with data/generation_scripts/MantaFlow/source/test.cpp (for the Advection-Diffusion and Burger's equation implementation, as well as various utilities)
  4. Copy the data/generation_scripts/MantaFlow/scripts3D folder to the root of your MantaFlow directory.
  5. This scripts folder contains the MantaFlow scene files for each data set (.py files), that can be run in the same way as normal MantaFlow scene files. The corresponding batch generation scripts (.sh files) simply run each scene multiple times with different parameters to build a full data set. If one batch file creates different data sets, e.g. a training and a test set variant, you can find each set of parameters as a comment in the batch file.
  6. As the liquid and smoke generation has to run an individual simulation for each sequence element, the data/generation_scripts/MantaFlow/scripts3D/ scene file combines the existing individual numpy arrays to ensure a coherent data set structure. It should be run like other scene files as a post-processing step once the liquid or smoke generation is complete.

Generation from PhiFlow

Click to expand detailed PhiFlow instructions

To generate data with the fluid solver PhiFlow, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the PhiFlow source code and follow the installation instructions, using the custom CUDA kernels is highly recommended for performance reasons. Our additional code assumes the usage of commit f3090a6! Substantially newer commits will not work, due to larger architecture changes in following versions.
  2. Ensure that numpy and imageio are installed in the python environment used for PhiFlow.
  3. Add our implementation of some additional functionality to the solver by copying the all files from the data/generation_scripts/PhiFlow folder to the demos folder in your PhiFlow directory.
  4. The copied files contain the PhiFlow scene files for each data set (.py files), that can be run in the same way as normal PhiFlow scene files in the demos folder. Note, that the data/generation_scripts/PhiFlow/ file only contains import utilities and can not be run individually. The corresponding batch generation scripts (.sh files) simply run each scene multiple times with different parameters to build a full data set. If one batch file creates different data sets, e.g. a training and a test set variant, you can find each set of parameters as a comment in the batch file.

Generation from the Johns Hopkins Turbulence Database (JHTDB)

Click to expand detailed JHTDB instructions

To extract sequences from the Johns Hopkins Turbulence Database, the required steps are:

  1. Install the pyJHTDB package for local usage.
  2. Request an authorization token to ensure access to the full data base.
  3. Add your authorization token to the script data/generation_scripts/, adjust the settings as necessary, and run the script to download and convert the corresponding regions of the DNS data.

Generation from ScalarFlow

Click to expand detailed ScalarFlow instructions

To process the ScalarFlow data set into sequences suitable for metric evaluations, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Download the full data set from the mediatum repository and extract it at the target destination.
  2. Add the root folder of the extracted data set as the input path in the data/generation_scripts/ script.
  3. Adjust the conversion settings like output path or resolution in the script if necessary, and run it to generate the data set.

General Data Post-Processing contains simple plotting functionality to visualize individual data samples and the corresponding ground truth distances. can be used to downsample the generation resolution of 128x128x128 to the training and evaluation resolution of 64x64x64. It processes all .npz data files, while creating copies of all supplementary files in the input directory.

To process custom raw simulation data, can be used to compute the nonlinear distance coefficients that are required for the ground truth distances from the proposed entropy-based similarity model. It creates a .json file with a path to each data file and a corresponding distance coefficient value.

Metric Comparison

With the downloaded data sets, the performance of different metrics (element-wise and CNN-based) can be compared using the metric evaluations in and

python src/
python src/

Both scripts compute distances for various metrics on our data sets, and evaluate them against the proposed ground truth distance model. All results are printed in the console and in addition written to tensorboard event files in the runs directory. The event files can be read by opening tensorboard via tensorboard --logdir=runs. Running the metric evaluation without changes should result in values similar to Table 1 in our paper.

Re-training the Model

The metric can be re-trained from scratch with the downloaded data sets via

python src/

The training progress is printed in the console and in addition written to tensorboard event files in the runs directory. The event files can be read by opening tensorboard via tensorboard --logdir=runs. Running the training script without changes should result in a model with a performance close to our final VolSiM metric (when evaluated with the metric evaluation above). But of course, minor deviations are expected due to the random nature of the model initialization and training procedure. The training setup for different model variants are included in and as a commented set of parameters in

Backpropagation through the Metric

Backpropagation through the metric network is straightforward by integrating the DistanceModel class that derives from torch.nn.Module in the target network. Load the trained model weights from the model directory with the load method in DistanceModel on initialization (see Basic Usage above), and freeze all trainable weights of the metric if required. In this case, the metric model should be called directly (with appropriate data handling beforehand) instead of using computeDistance to perform the comparison operation. An example for this process based on a simple Autoencoder can be found in

python src/


If you use the VolSiM metric or the data provided here, please consider citing our work:

  author = {Georg Kohl and Li{-}Wei Chen and Nils Thuerey},
  title = {Learning Similarity Metrics for Volumetric Simulations with Multiscale CNNs},
  booktitle = {37th {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023},
  pages = {8351--8359},
  publisher = {{AAAI} Press},
  year = {2023},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1609/aaai.v37i7.26007},


This work was supported by the ERC Consolidator Grant SpaTe (CoG-2019-863850). This repository also contains the image-based LPIPS metric from the perceptual similarity repository for comparison.