- Tomcat
# Version of Fedora to install. Only tested with 3.8.1
fedora_version: 3.8.1
#Where to Install Fedora
fedora_install_dir: /opt/fedora
catalina_home: /var/lib/tomcat
# Downloads binaries to a local directory on the host machine to avoid repeated downloads
downloads_directory: /opt/downloads
fedora_port: 8080
fedora_admin_password: password
fedora_pid_namespace: changeme
# Change if you need XACML restrictions to be applied.
fedora_xacml_enforce_mode: permit-all-requests
fedora_oai_max_records: 500
fedora_oai_max_headers: 500
fedora_admin_emails: []
fedora_repository_name: A Fedora Repository
fedora_repository_domain: example.edu
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-fcrepo3-role, fedora_repository_name: "Ben's Magical Tinderbox of Chinlint" }
Temple University Library Developers