AcmeFresh Hydroponic Farming Company Backend APIs This repository contains the backend APIs for a hypothetical, state-of-the-art Hydroponic farming company called AcmeFresh. The APIs have been built using Java, Spring, SpringBoot, MySQL, and Hibernate.
Authentication and authorization using JWT tokens for customer and seller roles
APIs for ordering products and services and adding products for sale
Tech Stacks:
Java - Programming language
Spring - Java application framework
SpringBoot - Java application framework for building stand-alone applications
MySQL - Relational database management system
Hibernate - Java object-relational mapping tool
Spring Tool Suite
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Java 8 or above
Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone
Import the project into your preferred IDE (e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ) as a Maven project
Create a MySQL database and run the schema.sql script to create the necessary tables
Update the MySQL connection details in the file
Run the AcmeFreshApplication class as a Java application/springboot application
The API documentation is available in the 'docs' folder in the repository.
Tuhin Saikh - Initial work
I hope this README helps users understand and use your project. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need any further assistance.