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Job Title Prediction of Github Users

This repository contains implementations for a machine learning pipeilne to predict job titles of github users. Both classical ML models and graph deep learning models are available. Github Social Network is used as the reference dataset for the user subset but a new set of features related to user's repositories, company and descriptive statistics are extracted.


You need to download the Github Social Network. To be able to make requests to Github Rest API, you need to install Github CLI.

Libraries Used

  • scikit-learn
  • Pandas
  • Pytorch
  • DGL

How to Run

Get authenticated in Github with:

gh auth login

Getting the Data

Following functions from '' should be called to get the necessary data from Github:


Labeling & Feature Extraction

Execute 'edge analysis.ipynb', 'label_analysis.ipynb' and 'feature_extraction.ipynb' notebooks.

Run Model

You can use the "" function to train and evaluate models.

Example usage:

python --model GraphSAGE --feature-selection select_from_model --select-from extra_trees --undirected --h-feats 400

All options:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model {NaiveBayes,LogisticRegression,GCN,GraphSAGE}
                        Model name.
  --lr-max-iter LR_MAX_ITER
                        Logistic Regression iteration.
  --lr LR               Learning rate for GCNs.
  --h-feats H_FEATS     Hidden units.
  --epochs EPOCHS       Number of epochs.
  --patience PATIENCE   Number of iterations to wait for improvement before early stopping.
  --undirected          Make the graph undirected.
  --feature-selection {None,variance,select_from_model}
                        Feature selection method.
  --variance-threshold VARIANCE_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold value for variance feature selection.
  --select-from {svc,extra_trees}
                        Select features according to given model.
  --n-splits {1,5}      Number of splits for k-fold cross-validation.
  --neighborhood-features {mean,max}
                        Neighborhood aggregation function for non-graph models.



Model Weighted F-1
#1 Logistic Regression 0.752 ± 0.009
#2 Naive Bayes 0.736 ± 0.007
#3 GraphSAGE 0.762 ± 0.008
#4 GCN 0.758 ± 0.006

Run Experiments

Run to reproduce the results of the experiments in this study.