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A simple way to make a concise printout with a list of points of interest and the distances/times to them.

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This project allows users to input a list of places they go to (such as doctors offices, family/friend's houses, grocery stores, etc) and generate a nice way to view the distance and average time to get to all of them. The user is able to set a departure/arrival time, change their travel type(driving, walking, cycling), set units(imperial or metric), and choose to avoid certain things (tolls, highways, ferries, indoor) on their trip! Once the form is submitted, a table is displayed on the webpage, and a printable pdf is generated with the same information.

My motivation for this was to create a tool for people who may not be tech-savvy or comfortable enough to use their computer to get this sort of information. For example, someone who is elderly could have someone submit this form for them, print the pdf, and keep it on hand for quick reference.


The tool is simple to use. Just input your source and as many destinations as you'd like to, up to 8. These can be as broad or as specific as you'd like them to be (a town vs a specific address, for example). Then select any additional parameters that you may want, and click the submit button. After this, your distance table will be generated.

For example, let's use default settings, Knoxville as a source, and random places as our destinations as below.

Now, click the submit button, and your table shows up on the page:

You can also see that a PDF download has now popped up in your tray:

This PDF contains the same information in a portable, printable format!

Usage II

Now, let's try this again but with a few additional options.

We have a few options here, we can specifiy either a departure time or an arrival time, travel type, units, or pick from a few things to avoid. You can see below how simple it is to select these options.

Let's use the same source and destinations, but for this example let's say we want cycling as our travel mode, we want to avoid higways, and we want to use metric units. Here's the form for that:

And when we submit this, you the results are presented in the exact same format as before, but they were generated with the selected parameters we selected above. That's a long bike ride!

The Tech

The backend for this tool was all done in JavaScript. I specifically wanted to get more experience with frontend, so going with some flavor of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS seemed appropriate. All of the frontend was done in HTML utilizing Bootstrap styling classes, with a few CSS overrides. As far as the heavy lifting goes, I used a couple different API's and packages. For generating the distances and times themselves, I used Google's Distance Matrix API. All it does is provide travel distances and times for a matrix of origins and destinations, based on the recommended route between start and end points. In addition to this, I used jsPDF and an excellent extension for it, jsPDF-AutoTable. jsPDF is a easy-to-use library that generates PDFs in JavaScipt, and jsPDF-AutoTable adds the ability to easily generate PDF tables by parsing HTML tables or by using Javascript data directly.


A simple way to make a concise printout with a list of points of interest and the distances/times to them.






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