This is a real-time chat application built using React, Firebase, and Sass. It allows users to log in with their Google accounts, select chat rooms, and send messages in real-time.
- Authentication: Users can log in using their Google accounts via Firebase authentication.
- Room Selection: Users can select the chat room they want to join.
- Real-time Messaging: Messages are sent and received in real-time using Firebase Firestore.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different devices.
- React: Frontend development is done using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Firebase: Firebase is used for authentication and real-time data storage.
- Sass: Sass is used for styling, providing a more organized and maintainable CSS codebase.
- AuthPage: Handles user authentication using Firebase's Google sign-in popup.
- RoomPage: Allows users to select the chat room they want to enter.
- ChatPage: Displays the selected chat room and facilitates real-time messaging.
- Message Component: Renders individual chat messages, distinguishing between the current user's messages and others'.