If you don't want to understand how it actually works and just want to get to Hello World state as quick as possible then follow the steps below:
- Install USB Drivers
- Install nodemcu-tool (assuming you know what is Npm)
- Install esptool (assuming you know what is pip)
- Download default firmware image from nodemcu-build
- Connect your ESP8266 module to development machine over USB
- Find out where your device is connected
nodemcu-tool devices
note port where your device is connected. Example: /dev/ttyUSB0
- Flash your downloaded firmware image to the device
$ esptool.py --port [device port name] write_flash -fm dio 0x0000 [firmware image file]
# example device port name: /dev/ttyUSB0
# example firmware image file: nodemcu-master-11-modules-float.bin
- Run LUA script on device
$ echo "print('hello world')" > ./hello.lua
$ nodemcu-tool -p [device port name] upload ./hello.lua
$ nodemcu-tool -p [device port name] run hello.lua
# example device port name: /dev/ttyUSB0
BONUS: for something more interesting try Wi-Fi Detector example.