Rethinking GRASP (General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns), SOLID (Single responsibility, Open–closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, Dependency inversion), GoF (Gang of Four) patterns, for Frontend (browsers) & Backend (node.js, other runtimes) development with JavaScript and TypeScript
- 🧩 Gof Patterns
- 📢 GoF patterns for Node.js and JavaScript (seminar fragment)
- 🏭 Creational patterns
- Abstract factory
- Builder
- Factory
- Factory Method
- Prototype do not confuse with Prototype-programming
- Singleton
- 🤝 Structural patterns
- ⚡ Behavioral patterns
- Chain of responsibility
- Command
- Interpreter
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observable and Observer: EventEmitter, EventTarget
- State
- Strategy
- Template method
- Visitor
- 🧩 GRASP patterns
- 📢 Intro video
- GRASP Overview
- Part 1 - GRASP for Node.js and Javascript
- Part 2 - coming soon
- Information expert
- Creator
- Controller
- Indirection
- Low coupling
- High cohesion
- Polymorphism
- Protected variations
- Pure fabrication
- Real code examples
- 📢 Intro video
- 🧩 SOLID Patterns