Ubuntu to Mac Converter for Web Developers
Make your Ubuntu and resemble MacOS. Shortcuts, Icons, Theme will look and feel exactly like MacOS.
INSTALL WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS git clone https://github.com/tsarouxas/ubuntu2mac/ cd ubuntu2mac chmod +x ubuntu2mac ./ubuntu2mac
Important: Once you are done with running you will need to swap the LEFT CTRL key with the CMD key on your keyboard. Open up the application Gnome Tweaks and go to Keyboard & Mouse -> Additional Layout Options -> Ctrl Position -> Enable only Swap Left Win with Left Ctrl
Disclaimer: No liability for the contents of this command can be accepted. Use this command at your own risk. There may be errors and inaccuracies, that may of course be damaging to your system. Although this is highly unlikely, you should proceed with caution. The author does not accept any responsibility for any damage incurred.
All copyrights are held by their respective owners, unless specifically noted otherwise.