- Bryce Boe <bbzbryce@gmail.com> @bboe
- Joe RH <jarhill0@gmail.com> @jarhill0
- Joel Payne <lilspazjoekp@gmail.com> @LilSpazJoekp
- Dale Cudmore <dalecudmore@gmail.com> @DCuddies
- Zhifu Ge <zhifu@me.com> @zhifuge
- diceroll123 @diceroll123
- Watchful1 @Watchful1
- theonefoster @theonefoster
- Eric Woolard @ericwoolard
- Marc @PerhapsSomeone
- Richard Hoekstra @RichardHoekstra
- Pim Tholhuijsen @mandjevant
- Martin Michlmayr @tbm
- jac0b-w @jac0b-w
- Kenneth Yang @kennethy
- Tarak Oueriache <Igosad@protonmail.com> @igosad
- xCROv @xCROv
- taq @greentaquitos
- Federico Gallo @Karmavil
- Aidan Welch @AidanWelch
- Tom Eagles @deplorableword
- Mohammad Ghalayini @mghalayini
- Jason Haines @jghaines
- Johanna Rührig @TheRealVira
- Sam Snarr @sss-ng
- Moshe Dicker @dickermoshe
- u/gkanor @gkanor
- Add "Name <email (optional)> and github profile link" above this line.
- kungming2 @kungming2
- Ethan Dalool <edalool@yahoo.com> @voussoir
- William McKinnerney <me@williammck.net> @williammck
- Katharine Jarmul <katharine@kjamistan.com> @kjam
- nmtake @nmtake
- Levi Roth <levimroth@gmail.com> @leviroth
- Keith Diedrick <kediedrick@gmail.com> @darthkedrik
- elnuno @elnuno
- Robbie Gibson @rkgibson2
- Mike Wohlrab @D0cR3d
- Matthew Lee @kwwxis
- guaneec @guaneec
- Jason Woodrich @jwoodrich
- Andrew Arnold @asquared31415
- bakonydraco @bakonydraco
- salehio @salehio
- Amanda O'Neal <amanda.oneal.dev@gmail.com> @amandaoneal
- Gourari Oussama <gourari.ouss@gmail.com> @O-Gourari
- Declan Hoare <declanhoare@exemail.com.au> @NetwideRogue
- Elaina Martineau @CrackedP0t
- Rob Curtis <BourbonInExile@gmail.com> @waab76
- Pyprohly <pyprohly@outlook.com> @Pyprohly
- Timendum @timendum
- vaclav-2012 @vaclav-2012
- Jon Meager @H4CKY54CK
- kungming2 @kungming2
- Jack Steel @jackodsteel
- David Mirch @fwump38
- PythonCoderAS @PythonCoderAS
- Michael Cetrulo <contact@michael-cetrulo.com> @git2samus
- George Schizas @gschizas
- Todd Roberts @toddrob99
- MaybeNetwork @MaybeNetwork
- Nick Kelly @nickatnight
- Yash Chhabria @Cyatos
- Justin Krejcha <justin@justinkrejcha.com> @jkrejcha
- Dio Brando @isFakeAccount
- Josh Kim @jsk56143
- Rolf Campbell @endlisnis
- zacc @zacc
- Add "Name <email (optional)> and github profile link" above this line.