Compute MD5 message digests in Elm.
This is a maintained fork of sanichi/elm-md5 focusing on performance.
This library exposes just one function, hex
, which takes a String
input and returns the 128-bit MD5
digest as a String
of 32 hexadecimal characters.
MD5.hex "" == "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
MD5.hex "foobarbaz" == "6df23dc03f9b54cc38a0fc1483df6e21"
Unlike the JavaScript function from which this implementation has been ported, CRLF pairs in the input are not automatically replaced with LFs prior to computing the digest. If you want that behaviour, adjust the input before evaluating the function. For example:
myHex : String -> String
myHex input =
myInput =
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "\x0D\n") (\_ -> "\n") input
MD5.hex myInput
Licensed under BSD-3. See LICENSE
file. (c) 2016-2018 Mark Orr, 2018-present TruQu