The purpose of this project is to import all of the pricing data points of AWS into Amazon Athena to easily query via Presto SQL, or better yet, query pricing data into Excel with the Athena ODBC Driver.
When you run the QuickStart, it will import every single pricing file providing by AWS partitioned by region. This should keep most queries fairly inexpensive.
Athena costs $5/TB data scanned. The largest data sets are EC2 for each region--approximately 50GB per file.
1TB = 1,000,000 MB = $5
1MB = $5 / 1,000,000 = $0.000005
The largest data set will cost $0.000025 per query.
- Python 3
Clone this repo
Install the packages:
$ . ./venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Run the importer:
$ python ./
After the import is complete, you can go to Athena and run queries in each location, for example:
SELECT * FROM "awspricedatabase"."awsconfig" WHERE location = 'US East (N. Virginia)'