Neotalk source files.
Global version
Default user:
login: simple_user password: hellodaddyhellomom
You can visit the site using the following link: (to login you need to choose More -> Login button)
Running locally
Programs needed: python, pip, npm
At first run setup:
To run service locally use script:
To kill processes, which take required ports run free_ports script:
- simple jwt authentication;
- authorized users can create neotalks on different topics, boookmark posts, reply to them / reply to replies of other users, like or dislike users' replies;
- neotalks are showed in the feed together with the most relevant replies;
- users can see bookmarked posts in the Bookmarks tab;
- users can search over all the neotalks.
- add 2-step verification;
- add Categories tab with posts grouped by categories;
- add search by Categories;
- add Profile page;
- add Dialogs between users.