A telegram bot project integrated with Monit, you can monitor the system easily and get an alarm if there is a problem on the server directly with the telegram bot.
See the detail of new update of Telemonit_bot in Release!
- Realtime monitoring
- Multiple Server
- Monitoring Event (Service running, uptime, CPU usage, memory usage)
- Alert (Timeout, server down, high CPU, high memory)
- Settings (interval, cpu and memory usage)
- First create your TelegramBot with https://t.me/BotFather
- Check your chat_id with open this link in browser
try to chat your bot and you can see detail of your private chat_id/group_id in browser link. - Or user TelegramBot https://t.me/myidbot to see your ID
# Pull reposiroty
git clone https://github.com/tresnax/telemonit_bot.git | cd telemonit_bot
# Create .env file and insert below
# Create venv (optional)
python venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install Dependency
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Create Database
python createdb.py
# Running Apps
nohup python app.py &
# Create Volume
docker volume create telemonit_bot
# Run Docker
docker run -d --name telemonit_bot \
-e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=yourtokenbot \
-e TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=yourchatid \
-v telemonit_bot:/app/db \
- /start - see the description
- /check_server - check status server
- /add_server - add new server monitor
- /list_server - view all servers
- /del_server - delete server list
- /add_topics - Add Alert to topics
- /del_topics - Delete Alert from topics
- /bot_setting - setting bot
- /set_setting - set your interval setting
I hope you enjoy with my project 😁