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File metadata and controls

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Checks Specification

A language allowing to declare best practices to be adhered on target SAP Infrastructures.


The need this Specification aims to fulfill is to provide users a simple way to declare what we (the Trento Team) often refer to as "Checks".

Checks are, in Trento's domain, the crystallization of SUSE's best practices when it comes to SAP workloads in a form that both a user (Spec) and a machine (Execution) can read.

Checks Execution

Checks Execution is the process that determines whether the best practices defined in the Checks Specifications are being followed on a target infrastructure.

Requesting an Execution -> Facts Gathering -> Expectation Evaluation

Requesting an Execution

An Execution can be requested to start by providing Wanda the following information:

  • an execution identifier
  • an execution Group identifier
  • the Checks Selection for the targets (a list of checks to be executed on the targets)

When the Execution starts running, its current state is stored in the Database and the targets are notified - via the message broker - about Facts to be gathered.

Then the Execution waits for the Facts Gathering to complete.

Facts Gathering

After an Execution Request the targets are notified about the facts they need to gather.

Whenever a target has gathered all the needed facts for an Execution, it notifies Wanda - via the message broker - about the Gathered Facts.

Expectation Evaluation

Expectation Evaluation is the process of evaluating the Expectations using the received Gathered Facts to obtain the result of a check.

This will only happen once Gathered Facts are received from all the targets.

After the result has been determined, the currently running Execution transitions to completed and its new state is tracked on the Database.

At this point the Execution is considered Completed and interested parties are notified about the Execution Completion.

Checks Results

Once an execution is completed, a checks result should give feedback on what aspects of a target infrastructure adhere to the best practices and which don't.

Possible results:

  • passing, everything ok
  • warning, best practice not followed, should fix
  • critical, best practice not followed, must fix

See also Check Severity.

Anatomy of a Check

A Check declaration comes in the form of a yaml file and all the Checks together build up the Checks Catalog

Here's an example:

id: "156F64"
name: Corosync `token` timeout
group: Corosync
description: Corosync `token` timeout is set to the correct value
remediation: |
  ## Abstract
  The value of the Corosync `token` timeout is not set as recommended.
  ## Remediation
  Adjust the corosync `token` timeout as recommended...

severity: warning

  target_type: cluster
  cluster_type: hana_scale_up
  hana_scenario: performance_optimized
  provider: [azure, nutanix, kvm, vmware]

  - name: corosync_token_timeout
    gatherer: corosync.conf
    argument: totem.token

customizable: true

  - name: expected_token_timeout
    customizable: true
    default: 5000
      - value: 30000
        when: env.provider == "azure" || env.provider == "aws"
      - value: 20000
        when: env.provider == "gcp"

  - name: token_timeout
    expect: facts.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout

Filename Convention

Note that a Check's filename MUST be in the form <check_id>.yaml (ie: 156F64.yaml)


Following are listed the top level properties of a Check definition yaml.

Key Required/Not Required Details
id required see more
name required see more
group required see more
description required see more
remediation required see more
severity not required see more
metadata not required see more
facts required see more
customizable not required see more
values not required see more
expectations required see more


Uniquely identifies a Check in the Catalog. The value must be a hexadecimal number formatted as string using quotes.


id: "156F64"
id: "845CC9"
id: "B089BE"


A, preferably one-line, string representing the name for the Check being declared.


name: Corosync `token` timeout
name: Corosync `consensus` timeout
name: SBD Startmode


A, preferably one-line, string representing the group where the Check being declared belongs.


group: Corosync
group: Pacemaker
group: SBD


A text providing a description for the Check being declared.

can be a one-liner

description: Some plain description

can be a multiline text

description: |
  Some plain multiline
  description that carries a lot
  of information

format is markdown

description: |
  A `description` is a **markdown**


A text providing an comprehensive description about the remediation to apply for the Check being declared.

It has the same properties of the description

  • can be a one-liner (it usually is not)
  • can be a multiline (it usually is)
  • format is markdown


remediation: |
  ## Abstract
  The value of the Corosync `token` timeout is not set as recommended.
  ## Remediation
  Adjust the corosync `token` timeout as recommended on the best 
  2. Reload the corosync configuration:


A string determining the severity of the Check being declared, in case the check is not passing, so that the appropriate result is reported.

Allowed values: warning, critical

Default: if no severity is provided, the system would default to critical


Reports a warning When the Check expectations do not pass

severity: warning

Reports a critical When the Check expectations do not pass

severity: critical


A key-value map that enriches the Check being declared by providing extra information about when to consider it as applicable given a specific env

  • keys must be non empty strings (foo, bar, foo_bar, qux1)
  • values can be any of the following types string, number, boolean, string[] (list of strings)
  • target_type is a required key of the metadata map. It's value is a string.


  target_type: example_target
  foo: bar
  bar: 42
  baz: true
  qux: [foo, bar, baz]

Metadata is used when:

  • querying checks from the catalog
  • loading relevant checks for an execution (when requesting an execution to start either via the rest API or via a message through the message broker)

How does the matching work?

For each of the metadata key-value the system checks whether a matching key is present in the current context (catalog or execution env) and if so, whether the value matches the one declared in the check.

For a check to be considered applicable all the metadata key-value pairs should match something in the env.

Any extra key in the env not having a corresponding one in the check metadata is ignored.


  • a string in the env (ie env.qux being baz) can match either a plain string as in qux: baz and a string contained in a list as in qux: [foo, bar, baz]
  • an empty env always matches any metadata
  • an empty metadata always matches any env

Matching example

let env = #{
  foo: "bar",
  qux: "baz"
  foo: bar
  bar: 42
  baz: true
  qux: baz

Not matching example

let env = #{
  foo: "bar",
  qux: "baz",
  baz: false
  foo: bar
  bar: 42
  baz: true
  qux: [foo, bar, baz]

Facts, Values, Expectations

See main sections Facts, Values, Expectations


Facts are the core data on which the engine evaluates the state of the target infrastructure. Examples include (but are not limited to) installed packages, cluster state, and configuration files content.

The process of determining the value of a declared fact during Check execution is referred to as Facts Gathering and it is the responsibility of the Gatherers. Gatherers could be seen as functions that have a name and accept argument(s).

That said, a fact declaration contains:

  • the fact name
  • the gatherer used to retrieve the fact
  • the argument(s) to be provided to the gatherer


  • many facts can be declared
  • all the declared facts would be registered in the facts namespaced evaluation scope.
  - name: <fact_name>
    gatherer: <gatherer_name>
    argument: <gatherer_argument>

  - name: <another_fact_name>
    gatherer: <another_gatherer_name>
    argument: <another_gatherer_argument>

The following example declares a fact named corosync_token_timeout, retrievable via the built-in corosync.conf gatherer to which will be provided the argument totem.token

  - name: corosync_token_timeout
    gatherer: corosync.conf
    argument: totem.token

  # other facts maybe

Finally, gathered facts, are used in Check's Expectations to determine whether expected conditions are met for the best practice to be adhered.


Users can modify a check's expected values to adapt to specific system and environmental configurations.

Built-in checks are considered customizable by default, so the customizable flag disables customization for a particular check.

The customizability flag can be set globally for a check and|or for specific values. When customization is globally disabled for a check, marked with customizable: false, it overrides any value-specific customizability settings. If global customization is not disabled, the customizability of individual values is then considered.

To explicitly mark a check as non-customizable, set the customizable key to false:

customizable: false


Values are named variables that may evaluate differently based on the execution context and are used with Facts for Contextual Expectations Evaluation.

When contextual expectations is not needed, there's the following options available:


No matter what the context is, the fact awesome_fact MUST always be wanda

Hardcoded Values

Direct usage of a simple hardcoded value

  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect: facts.awesome_fact == "wanda"

Constant Values

Define a Value with only the default specified (omitting conditions) for constants regardless of the context.

  - name: awesome_constant_value
    default: "wanda"

  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect: facts.awesome_fact == values.awesome_constant_value

Contextual Values

This is needed because the same check might expect facts to be treated differently based on the context.

Let's clarify with an example:

A Check might define a fact named awesome_fact which is expected to be different given the color of the execution.

  • it has to be cat when the color in the execution context is red
  • it has to be dog when the color in the execution context is blue
  • it has to be rabbit in all other cases, regardless of the execution context

so we define a named variable awesome_expectation that resolves to cat|dog|rabbit when proper conditions are met

allowing us to have an expectation like this

expect: facts.awesome_fact == values.awesome_expectation

A Value declaration contains:

  • the value name
  • the default value
  • a list of conditions that determine the value given the context (optional, see constant values)
  - name: <value_name>
    default: <default_value>
      - value: <value_on_condition_a>
        when: <expression_a>
      - value: <value_on_condition_b>
        when: <expression_b>

It could read as:

the value named <value_name> resolves to

  • <value_on_condition_a> when <expression_a> is true
  • <value_on_condition_b> when <expression_b> is true
  • <default_value> in all other cases


Check 156F64 Corosync token timeout is set to expected value defines a fact corosync_token_timeout which is expected to be different given the platform (aws/azure/gcp), so we define a named variable expected_token_timeout resolving to the appropriate value.

expected_token_timeout resolves to:

  • 30000 when azure/aws are detected
  • 20000 on gcp
  • 5000 in all other cases (ie: bare metal, VMs...)
  - name: expected_token_timeout
    default: 5000
      - value: 30000
        when: env.provider == "azure" || env.provider == "aws"
      - value: 20000
        when: env.provider == "gcp"

  - name: corosync_token_timeout_is_correct
    expect: facts.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout

Note that conditions is a cascading chain of contextual inspection to determine which is the resolved value.

  • there may be many conditions
  • first condition that passes determines the value, following are not evaluated
  • when entry Expression has access to gathered facts and env evaluation scopes

All the resolved declared values would be registered in the values namespaced evaluation scope.

Customizable Values

In addition to the global-level customizability, individual check values are also customizable by default. To provide finer control, a boolean customizable entry can be defined on a per-value basis.

  - name: non_customizable_check_value
    customizable: false
    default: 5000

Setting customizable: false for a specific value prevents the modification of the default value.

Note that if global customizability is set to false, it takes precedence over any value-level customizable settings, disabling customizability for all associated values.


Expectations are assertions on the state of a target infrastructure for a given scenario. By using fact and values they are able to determine if a check passes or not.

An Expectation declaration contains:

  - name: <expectation_name>
    expect: <expectation_expression>

  - name: <another_expectation_name>
    expect: <another_expectation_expression>
    failure_message: <something_went_wrong>

  - name: <yet_another_expectation_name>
    expect_same: <yet_another_expectation_expression>

Extra considerations:

  • there can be many expectations for a single Check
  • an expectation can be one of three types: expect, expect_same or expect_enum
  • a Check passes when all the expectations are satisfied


  - name: token_timeout
    expect: facts.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout

  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect: facts.awesome_fact == values.awesome_expected_value

In the previous example a Checks passes (is successful) if all expectations are met, meaning that

facts.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout
facts.awesome_fact == values.awesome_expected_value


This type of expectation is satisfied when, after facts gathering, the expression is true for all the targets involved in the current execution.

Execution Scenario:

  • 2 targets [A, B]
  • selected Checks [corosync_check]
  • some environment (context)
  - name: corosync_token_timeout
    gatherer: corosync.conf
    argument: totem.token

values: ...

  - name: corosync_token_timeout_is_correct
    expect: facts.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout

Considering the previous scenario what happens is that:

  • the fact corosync_token_timeout is gathered on all targets (A and B in this case)
  • the expectation expression gets executed against the corosync_token_timeout fact gathered on every targets.
    • targetA.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout
    • targetB.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout
  • every evaluation has to be true


This type of expectation is satisfied when, after facts gathering, the expression's return value is the same for all the targets involved in the current execution, regardless of the value itself.

Execution Scenario:

  • 2 targets [A, B, C]
  • selected Checks [some_check]
  • some environment (context)
  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect_same: facts.awesome_fact

Considering the previous scenario what happens is that:

  • the fact awesome_fact is gathered on all targets (A, B and C in this case)
  • the expectation expression gets executed for every target involved.
    • targetA.facts.awesome_fact
    • targetB.facts.awesome_fact
    • targetC.facts.awesome_fact
  • the expressions results has to be the same for every target
    • targetA.facts.awesome_fact == targetB.facts.awesome_fact == targetC.facts.awesome_fact


RPM version must be the same on all the targets, regardless of what version it is

  - name: installed_rpm_version
    gatherer: package_version
    argument: rpm

  - name: installed_rpm_version_must_be_the_same_on_all_targets
    expect_same: facts.installed_rpm_version


This type of expectation is satisfied when, after facts gathering, the expression returns passing, warning or critical. If no value is returned, the result defaults to critical. The final result of this expectation is the aggretation of all the expectation evaluations gathered in all the involved targets.

The aggregation returns:

  • passing if all the targets evaluation is passing
  • warning if any of the evaluations is warning and there is not any critical result
  • critical if any of the evaluations is critical

In this expectation type the severity field of the check is ignored.

Execution Scenario:

  • 2 targets [A, B]
  • selected Checks [sbd_check]
  • some environment (context)
  - name: sbd_devices
    gatherer: sbd_config@v1
    argument: SBD_DEVICE

values: ...

  - name: multiple_sbd_devices_configured
    expect_enum: |
      if facts.sbd_devices > values.passing_sbd_devices_count {
      } else if facts.sbd_devices == values.warning_sbd_devices_count {
      } else {

  - name: multiple_sbd_devices_configured_simple
    expect_enum: |
      if facts.sbd_devices > values.passing_sbd_devices_count {
      } else if facts.sbd_devices == values.warning_sbd_devices_count {

Considering the previous scenario what happens is that:

  • the fact sbd_devices is gathered on all targets (A and B in this case)
  • the expectation expression gets executed against the sbd_devices fact gathered on every targets.
  • the evaluated value is exactly what the expression returns. If there is not any returned value, critical is returned, as in the 2nd expectation example.
  • the evaluation result of all the targets is aggregated to compose the final expectation result.


An optional failure message can be declared for every expectation.

In case of an expect one, the failure message can interpolate facts and values present in the check definition to provide more meaningful insights:

  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect: values.awesome_constant_value == facts.awesome_fact
    failure_message: The expectation did not match ${values.awesome_constant_value}

The outcome of the interpolation is available in ExpectationEvaluation inside the API response.

In case of an expect_same one, the failure message has to be a plain string:

  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect_same: facts.awesome_fact
    failure_message: Boom!

This plain string is available in ExpectationResult inside the API response.


An optional warning message that works exactly as the previous failure message. This field is only available for expect_enum expectations, and it is interpolated when the expectation outcome is warning.

  - name: awesome_expectation
    expect_enum: |
      if values.passing_value == facts.awesome_fact {
      } else if values.warning_value == facts.awesome_fact {
    failure_message: Critical!
    warning_message: Warning!

The outcome of the interpolation is available in ExpectationEvaluation inside the API response, in the failure_message field.

Expression Language

Different parts of the Check declaration are places where an evaluation is needed.

Determine to what a value resolves during execution

when: <expression> part of a Value's condition

  - name: expected_token_timeout
    default: 5000
      - value: 30000
        when: env.provider == "azure" || env.provider == "aws"
      - value: 20000
        when: env.provider == "gcp"

Defining the Expectation of a Check

expect|expect_same: <expression>

  - name: token_timeout
    expect: facts.corosync_token_timeout == values.expected_token_timeout

See reference for the Expression Language.

Evaluation Scope

Every expression has access to an evaluation scope, allowing to access relevant piece of information to run the expression.

Scopes are namespaced and access to items in the scope is name based.


env is a map of information about the context of the running execution, it is set by the system on each execution/check compilation.

Examples of entries in the scope. What is actually available during the execution depends on the scenario. Find the updated values in the reference column link.

name Type Reference Applicable
env.target_type one of cluster, host No enum available All
env.provider one of azure, aws, gcp,kvm,nutanix, vmware, unknown Providers All
env.cluster_type one of hana_scale_up, hana_scale_out, ascs_ers, unknown Cluster types target_type is cluster
env.hana_scenario one of performance_optimized, cost_optimized, unknown Hana Scale Up Scenario cluster_type is hana_scale_up
env.architecture_type one of classic, angi Architecture types cluster_type is one of hana_scale_up, hana_scale_out
env.ensa_version one of ensa1, ensa2, mixed_versions ENSA version cluster_type is ascs_ers
env.filesystem_type one of resource_managed, simple_mount, mixed_fs_types Filesystem type cluster_type is ascs_ers


facts is the map of the gathered facts, thus the scope varies based on which facts have been declared in the relative section, and are accessible in other sections by fact name.

  - name: an_interesting_fact
    gatherer: <some_gatherer>
    argument: <some_argument>

  - name: another_interesting_fact
    gatherer: <another_gatherer_name>
    argument: <another_gatherer_argument>

Available entries in scope, the value is what has been gathered on the targets



values is the map of resolved variable names defined in the relative section

  - name: expected_token_timeout
    default: 5000
      - value: 30000
        when: env.provider == "azure" || env.provider == "aws"
      - value: 20000
        when: env.provider == "gcp"

  - name: another_variable_value
    default: "blue"
      - value: "red"
        when: env.should_be_red == true

Available entries in scope

name Resolved to
values.expected_token_timeout 5000, 30000, 20000 based on the conditions
values.another_variable_value blue, red based on the conditions

Best practices and conventions

To have a standardized format for writing checks, follow the next best practices and conventions as much as possible:

  • The id field must be wrapped in double quotes to avoid any type of ambiguity, as this field must be of string format.

  • The remaining name, description, group, and remediation fields must not be wrapped in quotes, as they are text-based values always.

  • Take advantage of markdown tags in the name, description, and remediation fields to make the text easy and compelling to read.

  • The name field of facts, values, and expectations must follow camel_case format.
    For example:

      - name: some_fact
      - name: expected_some_fact
      - name: some_expectation
  • Use 2 spaces to indent multiline expectation expressions.

  • Naming hardcoded values in the values section with the default field is encouraged instead of putting hardcoded values in the expectation expression itself. This gives some meaning to the expected value and improves potential interaction with the Wanda API.
    So this:

      - name: some_expectation
        expect: == 30

    would be:

      - name: expected_foo
        default: 30
      - name: some_expectation
        expect: == values.expected_foo
  • If the gathered fact is compared to a value, using value and expected_value names for facts and values respectively is recommended, as it improves the meaning of the comparison.
    For example:

      - name: some_fact
      - name: expected_some_fact
  • Avoid adding prefixes such as facts or values to the entries of these sections, as they already use this as a namespace. For example, the next example should be avoided, as the facts prefix would be redundant in the expectation expression:

      - name: facts_some_fact
  • If the implemented expectation expression contains any kind of && to combine multiple operations, consider adding them as individual expectations, as the final result is the combination of all of them.
    So this:

      - name: some_expectation
        expect: == values.expected_foo && == values.expected_bar

    would be:

      - name: foo_expectation
        expect: == values.expected_foo
      - name: bar_expectation
        expect: == values.expected_bar
  • Pipe the expression language functions vertically in order to provide a better visual output of the code.
    So this:

      - name: some_expectation
        expect:|item| == "super").properties.find(|prop| == "good").value

    would be:

      - name: some_expectation
        expect: |

          .find(|item| == "super").properties
          .find(|prop| == "good").value

    Note: Keep in mind that some functions such as sort and drain run in-place modifications, so they cannot be piped.