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Test: Hooks Glue Exporter (#6721)
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Isan-Rivkin authored Oct 19, 2023
1 parent e710e53 commit 7d9feeb
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Showing 6 changed files with 434 additions and 1 deletion.
378 changes: 378 additions & 0 deletions esti/catalog_export_test.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
package esti

import (


//go:embed export_hooks_files/*/*
var exportHooksFiles embed.FS

type schemaField struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Type string `yaml:"type"`
IsNullable bool `yaml:"nullable"`
Metadata map[string]string `yaml:"metadata,omitempty"`
type tableSchema struct {
Type string `yaml:"type"`
Fields []schemaField `yaml:"fields"`

type hiveTableSpec struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Type string `yaml:"type"`
Path string `yaml:"path"`
PartitionColumns []string `yaml:"partition_columns"`
Schema tableSchema `yaml:"schema"`

type exportHooksTestData struct {
SymlinkActionPath string
SymlinkScriptPath string
TableDescriptorPath string
GlueActionPath string
GlueScriptPath string
Branch string
GlueDB string
AccessKeyId string
SecretAccessKey string
Region string
OverrideCommitID string
TableSpec *hiveTableSpec

func renderTplFileAsStr(t *testing.T, tplData any, rootDir fs.FS, path string) string {
tpl, err := template.ParseFS(rootDir, path)
require.NoError(t, err, "rendering template")
var doc bytes.Buffer
err = tpl.Execute(&doc, tplData)
require.NoError(t, err)
return doc.String()

func setupGlueClient(ctx context.Context, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, region string) (*glue.Client, error) {
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx,
config.WithCredentialsProvider(credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, "")),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return glue.NewFromConfig(cfg), nil

func uploadAndCommitObjects(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, repo, branch string, objectsGroups[string]string) *apigen.Commit {
for _, objects := range objectsGroups {
for path, obj := range objects {
resp, err := uploadContent(ctx, repo, branch, path, obj)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusCreated, resp.StatusCode())

commitResp, err := client.CommitWithResponse(ctx, repo, mainBranch, &apigen.CommitParams{}, apigen.CommitJSONRequestBody{
Message: "Table Data",
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed commiting uploaded objects to lakefs://%s/%s", repo, branch)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusCreated, commitResp.StatusCode())
return commitResp.JSON201

// genCSVData will create n+rows (with header) each cell value is rowNum+colNum
func genCSVData(columns []string, n int) string {
// Create a new CSV writer.
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
writer := csv.NewWriter(buf)
// Write the header row.
headerRow := columns

for rowNum := 0; rowNum < n; rowNum++ {
dataRow := []string{}
for colNum := range columns {
dataRow = append(dataRow, fmt.Sprintf("%d", rowNum+colNum))
csvContent := buf.String()
return csvContent

func testSymlinkS3Exporter(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, repo string, tmplDir fs.FS, tablePaths map[string]string, testData *exportHooksTestData) (string, string) {

tableYaml, err := yaml.Marshal(&testData.TableSpec)

if err != nil {
require.NoError(t, err, "failed marshaling table spec to YAML")

hookFiles := map[string]string{
testData.SymlinkScriptPath: renderTplFileAsStr(t, testData, tmplDir, testData.SymlinkScriptPath),
testData.TableDescriptorPath: string(tableYaml),
testData.SymlinkActionPath: renderTplFileAsStr(t, testData, tmplDir, testData.SymlinkActionPath),

// upload all files (hook, lua, table data)
commit := uploadAndCommitObjects(t, ctx, repo, mainBranch, tablePaths, hookFiles)

// wait until actions finish running
runs := waitForListRepositoryRunsLen(ctx, t, repo, commit.Id, 1)
require.Equal(t, "completed", runs.Results[0].Status, "symlink action result not finished")

// list symlink.txt files from blockstore

repoResponse, err := client.GetRepositoryWithResponse(ctx, repo)
require.NoError(t, err, "could not get repository information")
require.Equal(t, repoResponse.StatusCode(), http.StatusOK, "could not get repository information")
namespace := repoResponse.JSON200.StorageNamespace

symlinksPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s/_lakefs/exported/%s/%s/animals/", namespace, mainBranch, commit.Id[:6])
storageURL, err := url.Parse(symlinksPrefix)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed extracting bucket name")

s3Client, err := testutil.SetupTestS3Client("", testData.AccessKeyId, testData.SecretAccessKey)

require.NoError(t, err, "failed creating s3 client")

// we need to retry for the result
var symlinkLocations []string

bo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
bo.MaxInterval = 5 * time.Second
bo.MaxElapsedTime = 30 * time.Second
listS3Func := func() error {
listResp, err := s3Client.ListObjectsV2(ctx, &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{
Bucket: aws.String(storageURL.Host),
Prefix: aws.String(storageURL.Path[1:]), // trim leading slash
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "listing symlink files in storage: %s", symlinksPrefix)
if len(listResp.Contents) == 0 {
return errors.New("no symlink files found in blockstore")
for _, f := range listResp.Contents {
symlinkLocations = append(symlinkLocations, aws.ToString(f.Key))
return nil

err = backoff.Retry(listS3Func, bo)

require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed listing symlink files %s", symlinksPrefix)
require.NotEmptyf(t, symlinkLocations, "no symlink files found in blockstore: %s", symlinksPrefix)

// get the symlink files and compare their physical address to lakefs result
storagePhysicalAddrs := map[string]bool{}
for _, symlinkFileKey := range symlinkLocations {
objRes, err := s3Client.GetObject(ctx, &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storageURL.Host),
Key: aws.String(symlinkFileKey),
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "getting symlink file content bucket=%s key=%s", storageURL.Host, symlinkFileKey)
defer objRes.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(objRes.Body)
require.NoError(t, err, "fail reading object data")
for _, addr := range strings.Split(string(body), "\n") {
if addr != "" { // split returns last \n as empty string
storagePhysicalAddrs[addr] = true

lakeFSObjs, err := client.ListObjectsWithResponse(ctx, repo, commit.Id, &apigen.ListObjectsParams{
Prefix: apiutil.Ptr(apigen.PaginationPrefix(testData.TableSpec.Path)),

require.NoError(t, err, "failed listing lakefs objects")

// test that all lakeFS entries are exported and represented correctly in symlink files
lakefsPhysicalAddrs := map[string]bool{}
for _, entry := range lakeFSObjs.JSON200.Results {
if !strings.Contains(entry.Path, "_hidden") {
lakefsPhysicalAddrs[entry.PhysicalAddress] = true

require.Equal(t, lakefsPhysicalAddrs, storagePhysicalAddrs, "mismatch between lakefs exported objects in symlink files")

return commit.Id, symlinksPrefix

// TestAWSCatalogExport will verify that symlinks are exported correcrtly and then in a sequential test verify that the glue exporter works well.
// The setup in this test includes:
// Symlinks export: lua script, table in _lakefs_tables, action file, mock table data in CSV form
// Glue export: lua script, table in _lakefs_tables, action file
func TestAWSCatalogExport(t *testing.T) {
// skip if blockstore is not not s3
requireBlockstoreType(t, block.BlockstoreTypeS3)
// skip of the following args are not provided
accessKeyID := viper.GetString("aws_access_key_id")
secretAccessKey := viper.GetString("aws_secret_access_key")
glueDB := viper.GetString("glue_export_hooks_database")
glueRegion := viper.GetString("glue_export_region")
requiredArgs := []string{accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, glueDB, glueRegion}
if slices.Contains(requiredArgs, "") {
t.Skip("One of the required Args empty")

var (
glueTable *types.Table
commitID string
symlinkPrefix string
ctx, _, repo := setupTest(t)
defer tearDownTest(repo)

tmplDir, _ := fs.Sub(exportHooksFiles, "export_hooks_files")
testData := &exportHooksTestData{
Branch: mainBranch,
SymlinkActionPath: "_lakefs_actions/symlink_export.yaml",
SymlinkScriptPath: "scripts/symlink_exporter.lua",
GlueScriptPath: "scripts/glue_exporter.lua",
GlueActionPath: "_lakefs_actions/glue_export.yaml",
TableDescriptorPath: "_lakefs_tables/animals.yaml",
GlueDB: glueDB,
Region: glueRegion,
AccessKeyId: accessKeyID,
SecretAccessKey: secretAccessKey,
TableSpec: &hiveTableSpec{
Name: "animals",
Type: "hive",
Path: "tables/animals",
PartitionColumns: []string{"type", "weight"},
Schema: tableSchema{
Type: "struct",
Fields: []schemaField{
{Name: "type", Type: "string", Metadata: map[string]string{"comment": "axolotl, cat, dog, fish etc"}},
{Name: "weight", Type: "integer"},
{Name: "name", Type: "string"},
{Name: "color", Type: "string", IsNullable: true},

t.Run("symlink_exporter", func(t *testing.T) {
var columns = []string{"name", "color"}
tablePaths := map[string]string{
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=axolotl/weight=22/a.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=axolotl/weight=22/b.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=axolotl/weight=22/c.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=axolotl/weight=12/a.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=axolotl/weight=12/_hidden": "blob",
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=cat/weight=33/a.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=dog/weight=10/b.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
testData.TableSpec.Path + "/type=dog/weight=10/a.csv": genCSVData(columns, 3),
commitID, symlinkPrefix = testSymlinkS3Exporter(t, ctx, repo, tmplDir, tablePaths, testData)
t.Logf("commit id %s symlinks prefix %s", commitID, symlinkPrefix)
t.Run("glue_exporter", func(t *testing.T) {
// override commit ID to make the export table point to the previous commit of data
testData.OverrideCommitID = commitID
headCommit := uploadAndCommitObjects(t, ctx, repo, mainBranch, map[string]string{
testData.GlueScriptPath: renderTplFileAsStr(t, testData, tmplDir, testData.GlueScriptPath),
testData.GlueActionPath: renderTplFileAsStr(t, testData, tmplDir, testData.GlueActionPath),

// wait for action to finish
runs := waitForListRepositoryRunsLen(ctx, t, repo, headCommit.Id, 1)
require.Equal(t, "completed", runs.Results[0].Status, "glue action result not finished")

// create glue client

glueClient, err := setupGlueClient(ctx, testData.AccessKeyId, testData.SecretAccessKey, testData.Region)
require.NoError(t, err, "creating glue client")

// wait until table is ready
tableName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%s", testData.TableSpec.Name, repo, mainBranch, commitID[:6])
bo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
bo.MaxInterval = 5 * time.Second
bo.MaxElapsedTime = 30 * time.Second
getGlueTable := func() error {
t.Logf("[retry] get table %s ", tableName)
resp, err := glueClient.GetTable(ctx, &glue.GetTableInput{
DatabaseName: aws.String(testData.GlueDB),
Name: aws.String(tableName),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("glue getTable %s/%s: %w", testData.GlueDB, tableName, err)
glueTable = resp.Table
return nil
err = backoff.Retry(getGlueTable, bo)
require.NoError(t, err, "glue table not created in time")

// delete table when the test is over

t.Cleanup(func() {
_, err = glueClient.DeleteTable(ctx, &glue.DeleteTableInput{
DatabaseName: aws.String(testData.GlueDB),
Name: aws.String(tableName),
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed cleanup of glue table %s/%s ", testData.GlueDB, tableName)

// verify table partitions
require.Equal(t, len(testData.TableSpec.PartitionColumns), len(glueTable.PartitionKeys), "partitions created in glue doesnt match in size")
partitionsSet := map[string]bool{}
for _, partCol := range glueTable.PartitionKeys {
name := aws.ToString(partCol.Name)
require.Contains(t, testData.TableSpec.PartitionColumns, name, "glue partition not in table spec")
partitionsSet[name] = true

// verify table columns
glueCols := map[string]bool{}
for _, col := range glueTable.StorageDescriptor.Columns {
glueCols[aws.ToString(col.Name)] = true
for _, expCol := range testData.TableSpec.Schema.Fields {
// if not a partition, regular column compare
if !partitionsSet[expCol.Name] {
require.Contains(t, glueCols, expCol.Name, "column not found in glue table schema")

// verify table storage properties

require.Equal(t, "", aws.ToString(glueTable.StorageDescriptor.InputFormat), "wrong table input format")
require.Equal(t, "", aws.ToString(glueTable.StorageDescriptor.OutputFormat), "wrong table output format")
require.Equal(t, symlinkPrefix, aws.ToString(glueTable.StorageDescriptor.Location)+"/", "wrong s3 location in glue table")

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