I am Rico, a very curious human. There are many, many things I enjoy. Among them are coding, photography, science, reading, sports, traveling and playing the piano.
You can find my personal website over at ricos.site. It also has a /now section.
Currently I am doing monthly projects - the idea is to spend one month, pursuing a single idea and try to make it real (and push myself to see how far I can get, within a month).
You can see the progress over at my 1-month projects site.
I am always learning new things.
Currently this is 3D graphics, mostly in the browser, things like WebGL, Three.js and R3F.
In the past I've compiled a list of things I love from the internet. You can find it over here: ricos.site/needlestack. It took a lot of work, but I think, it contains a lot of awesomeness.