React-OMDB-App is a responsive React app that utilises React Router to make this app a Single-Page Application(SPA), loading data via OMDB API and handling user-authentication using Auth0
Key tools used in this React project are:
Tool | Description |
React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
Redux | A Predictable State Container for JS Apps |
Axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js |
React-Router | For Dynamic, Client-Side routing. |
Auth0 | Cool Authentication solutions. |
node.js is required to get npm
If you would like to download the source-code & run locally:
- Clone the repo:
git clone
cd react-omdb-app
- Install packages:
npm install
- Launch:
npm start
- Open your browser at:
create a environment file in the root project directory named
and replace your key values you will be getting when creating app on AUTH0 using the following template: