Rocco Marosi ⟐ Architecture Photography ⟐
Super light mobile-first portfolio display static website. Fully responsive. Focus on speed and simplicity, with care for minimizing network request and delivering a polished meaningful user experience.
version: 1.7.3
- animate: shake the "v" icon
- single pages for each photo, w/ thumbs (maybe) in footer for social media posting
Sometime soon:
- service workers
- quick contact form
flickity (58kb) | currently online
vegas (64kb) | need at least zepto (9kb) or jquery(84kb)
native scroll + scrollReveal.js (9kb)
no jquery
no material design http calls (just good stuff in css)
- deleted gulp tasks, use grinder
- refactored gulp task in an updated, simpler, leaner way
- showing captions, always
jekyll installed
Netlify hosting
- it prints like biz card now, no shots no details just QRcode and contacts
- footer improvements
landing screen vw, vh, no scipt, no flexbox, just plain old css
footer icon refactor with line icons
landing page feel
viewport sized typograhpy on first screen aka 100vwx100vh
killed the icons on the shots
no more material design, just some paper photos feel with shadow!
no more hamburger! this piece of unicode
also written☰
is not showing on android 4.1.2: ...lame!
now with some material design flavour
captions visible on click
g+ footer link
- last slide no disappear
minimal material feel with flat header
- gulp images task to automate image generation
Imager.js full screen
no slider
- refactored with just html activated flickity
Despite this repo being public, it doesn't mean that all these assets are open-source and/or copyright free, or even that you may use any of them.
Please, ask for permission first by contacting us:
All photos © Rocco Marosi. All rights reserved.
Thanks, Junglestar team