🔭 I’m currently working on Bit Check
CrossWise Finance (Cross-Chain DEX)
Iframable PCS Swap (Embed DEX UI into your Dapp in 5 second)
🔭 I’m currently working on Bit Check
CrossWise Finance (Cross-Chain DEX)
Iframable PCS Swap (Embed DEX UI into your Dapp in 5 second)
Iframable PancakeSwap for any Websites, Feel free to use with iframe. <iframe src="https://iframe-pancakeswap.netlify.app" />
Forked from OffcierCia/DeFi-Developer-Road-Map
DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Web3.0 Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps, development resources and lifehacks.
SmartPy FA2 NFT - bolierplate. Referenced https://smartpy.io/docs/guides/FA/FA2/contract_metadata.
The repos includes script for uploading bulk files in a directory to ipfs using nft.storage
EVM-Web3 Boilerplate repository with react-script(v5), rainbowkit, wagmi, tyepechain, typescript
Hardhat, TypeScript, Typechain - starter project (token deployer, token vault with offchain signature)
TypeScript 11