If you worked with Rails Enums or enumerize–built-in enums should look familiar to you:
class Configuration
include StoreModel::Model
enum :status, %i[active archived], default: :active
config = Configuration.new
config.status # => active
config.status = :archived
config.archived? # => true
config.active? # => false
config.status_value # => 0
config.status_values # => { :active => 0, :archived => 1 }
Configuration.status_values # => { :active => 0, :archived => 1 }
Configuration.statuses # => { :active => 0, :archived => 1 }
Under the hood, values are stored as integers, according to the index of the element in the array:
Configuration.new.inspect # => #<Configuration status: 0>
You can specify values explicitly using the :in
class Review
include StoreModel::Model
enum :rating, in: { excellent: 100, okay: 50, bad: 25, awful: 10 }, default: :okay
There was a bug related to :in
causing values to be returned from #as_json
Review.new(rating: :okay).as_json # => "{\"type\": 1}"
Please use StoreModel.config.serialize_enums_using_as_json = true
to turn this behavior on; this will be a new default in the next major release.
You can use the :_prefix
or :_suffix
options when you need to define multiple enums with same values. If the passed value is true, the methods are prefixed/suffixed with the name of the enum. It is also possible to supply a custom value:
class Review
include StoreModel::Model
enum status: [:active, :archived], _suffix: true
enum comments_status: [:active, :inactive], _prefix: :comments
With the above example, the predicate methods are now prefixed and/or suffixed accordingly:
review = Review.new(status: :active, comment_status: :inactive)
review.active_status? # => true
review.archived_status? # => false
review.comments_active? # => false
review.comments_inactive? # => true
You can use the :raise_on_invalid_values
options when you need to allow the enum to accept invalid values. However, in this case you'll need to handle validation of the values manually:
class Review
include StoreModel::Model
enum status: [:active, :archived], raise_on_invalid_values: false
validate_inclusion_of :status, in: ['active', 'archived']