Releases: topquark22/Thermo55
Thermo55 4.0.1
Fix for issue #4
Thermo55 4.0
Implement Fahrenheit display. Implement auxiliary control output. Update major release# due to pin A3 and D3 wiring changes
Thermos55 v3.0.1
Features dual-POT coarse/fine threshold adjustment in range -110 - 310 degrees C.
Supports standalone mode, as well as separation of thermometer and monitor modules via nRF24L01 radio.
Thermo55 v3.0.0
Features dual-POT coarse/fine threshold adjustment in range -110 - 310 degrees C. For I2C LCD interface.
Supports standalone mode, as well as separation of thermometer and monitor modules via nRF24L01 radio.
Thermo55 2.4R
Integration with nRF24L01 radio. Single-POT threshold setting in range -40 - 110 degrees C.
Thermo55 2.4P
for LCD parallel interface (deprecated.) Single-POT threshold setting in range -40 - 110 degrees C.
Thermo55 2.4
Features dual-POT coarse/fine threshold adjustment in range -110 - 310 degrees C. For I2C LCD interface.
thermo55 2.0
for I2C LCD interface.
Circuit must be upgraded to include a 2nd potentiometer.
therm55 1.1P
for parallel LCD interface
therm55 1.1
for I2C LCD interface