Modestly awesome list of StimulusJS related content.
Feb 20, 2024
Stimulus is a JavaScript framework with modest ambitions. It doesn’t seek to take over your entire front-end—in fact, it’s not concerned with rendering HTML at all. Instead, it’s designed to augment your HTML with just enough behavior to make it shine.
Modestly awesome list of StimulusJS related content.
A set of useful pre-built and configurable StimulusJS controllers for various common scenarios
A Stimulus controller to create new fields on the fly to populate your Rails relationship.
An ever-growing collection of Stimulus.js components built with Tailwind CSS.
Ultra lightweight state management for your Stimulus-powered web applications.
A Stimulus controller for managing checkbox lists.
Stimulus + Vue.js + Turbolinks test Rails app
🔐 A free, light and easy to use client-side tool to generate PGP key pairs, encrypt and decrypt messages.
Trello Clone using Ruby on Rails 7.2, Turbo 8, Stimulus, and Sortable JS
An on/off toggle utility for Stimulus
A simple boilerplate to publish standard Stimulus Controller as an NPM package
A Stimulus controller that animates an element when it becomes visible.
A Stimulus controller to copy text to clipboard.
A social code snippet sharing app that allows you to create, file and share code snippets with anyone. Built with Ruby on Rails and Stimulus JS.
The Do. An app to help with organising stag and hen do's
GeoLocator Web App
At Kabisa we read books. And we read a lot of books. Get inspired by finding out which books we read and like the best...
A Bridgetown automation for adding Stimulus JS
OneTwoThree is an social network enabling you to look for a buddy or a group to join a certain class with you.
Created by Basecamp
Released 2017
Latest release over 1 year ago