Redis protocol parser and client for Dart
Dear Users,
If you find our SDK helpful and enjoyable to use, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to give us a "like"!
Your support motivates us to continue improving and adding more features.
We are excited to announce that our SDK has been successfully integrated into the RedisLink project!
import 'package:redis_dart_link/client.dart';
import 'package:redis_dart_link/logger.dart';
import 'package:redis_dart_link/model/info.dart';
import 'package:redis_dart_link/socket_options.dart';
RedisClient client = RedisClient(
socket: RedisSocketOptions(
host: '',
port: 9527,
password: '123456',
// Connect to the Redis server.
await client.connect();
try {
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
print("error: $error");
print("stackTrace: $stackTrace");
import 'package:redis_dart_link/client.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'redis_client_init.dart';
void main() {
group('Redis Commands GEO Tests', () {
late RedisClient client;
setUpAll(() async {
client = await initRedisClient();
tearDownAll(() async {
await closeRedisClient(client);
test('geoAdd command test', () async {
try {
await client.geoAdd(
await client.geoAdd(
var Val = await client.geoDist(
print("geoDist Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
// });
}, skip: 'jsonGet Skipping this test temporarily');
test('geoHash command test', () async {
try {
var Val =
await client.geoHash('test-geoAdd-Sicily', ['Catania', 'Palermo']);
print("geoHash Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonGet Skipping this test temporarily');
test('geoPos command test', () async {
try {
var Val = await client.geoPos(
'test-geoAdd-Sicily', ['Catania', 'Palermo', 'NonExisting']);
print("GeoPos Val.toString() : ${Val.toString()}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
// });
}, skip: 'jsonGet Skipping this test temporarily');
import 'package:redis_dart_link/client.dart';
import 'package:redis_dart_link/model.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'redis_client_init.dart';
void main() {
group('Redis Commands Tests', () {
late RedisClient client;
setUpAll(() async {
client = await initRedisClient();
tearDownAll(() async {
await closeRedisClient(client);
test('hscan command test', () async {
try {
final Map<Object, double> values = {'member1': 1.0};
await client.hmset(
Hscan value1 = await client.hscan('hscan-test', 0);
print("hscan Val.toString() : ${value1.toString()}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
// }, skip: 'hscan Skipping this test temporarily');
import 'package:redis_dart_link/client.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'redis_client_init.dart';
void main() {
group('Redis Commands Tests', () {
late RedisClient client;
setUpAll(() async {
client = await initRedisClient();
tearDownAll(() async {
await closeRedisClient(client);
test('jsonSet command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonSet-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val = await client.jsonGet(
print("jsonSet Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonSet Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonDel command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonDel-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val = await client.jsonDel('jsonDel-json1');
print("jsonDel Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonDel Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonArrIndex command test', () async {
try {
var Val = await client.jsonArrIndex(
path: '\$',
print("jsonArrIndex Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonArrIndex Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonArrAppend command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonArrAppend-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val = await client.jsonArrAppend(
path: '\$',
print("jsonArrAppend Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonArrAppend Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonArrTrim command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonArrTrim-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val =
await client.jsonArrTrim('jsonArrTrim-json1', start: 1, stop: 2);
print("jsonArrTrim Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonArrTrim Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonArrPop command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonArrPop-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val = await client.jsonArrPop('jsonArrPop-json1');
print("jsonArrPop Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonArrPop Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonClear command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonClear-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val = await client.jsonClear('jsonClear-json1');
print("jsonClear Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonClear Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonLen command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonClear-json1',
value: '["val1","val2","val3"]',
var Val = await client.jsonArrLen('jsonClear-json1');
print("jsonArrLen Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonLen Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonMerge command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonMerge-json1',
value: '{"a":2}',
await client.jsonMerge('jsonMerge-json1', path: '\$.b', value: '8');
var Val = await client.jsonGet('jsonMerge-json1');
print("jsonMerge Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonMerge Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonMget command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonMget-json1',
value: '{"a":1, "b": 2, "nested": {"a": 3}, "c": null}',
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonMget-json2',
value: '{"a":4, "b": 5, "nested": {"a": 6}, "c": null}',
var Val = await client
.jsonMget(['jsonMget-json1', 'jsonMget-json2'], path: '\$..a');
print("jsonMget Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonMget Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonForget command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'jsonForget-json1',
value: '{"a":1, "b": 2, "nested": {"a": 3}, "c": null}',
var Val = await client.jsonForget('jsonForget-json1');
print("jsonForget Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonForget Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonMGET command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'test-json-jsonMget1',
value: '{"a":1, "b": 2, "nested": {"a": 3}, "c": null}',
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'test-json-jsonMget2',
value: '{"a":4, "b": 5, "nested": {"a": 6}, "c": null}');
var Val = await client.jsonMget(
['test-json-jsonMget1', 'test-json-jsonMget2'],
print("jsonMget Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonMget Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonMset command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonMset(
value: '{"a":1}',
await client.jsonMset(
value: '{"a":2}',
var Val = await client.jsonGet(
print("jsonMset Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonMget Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonNumincrby command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonMset(
value: '{"a":"b","b":[{"a":2}, {"a":5}, {"a":"c"}]}',
var Val1 = await client.jsonNumincrby(
path: r'$.a',
value: 2,
print("jsonNumincrby1 Val.toString() : ${Val1}");
var Val2 = await client.jsonNumincrby(
path: r'$..a',
value: 2,
print("jsonNumincrby2 Val.toString() : ${Val2}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonNumincrby Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonNummultby command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'test-json-jsonNummultby1',
value: '{"a":"b","b":[{"a":2}, {"a":5}, {"a":"c"}]}',
var Val1 = await client.jsonNummultby(
path: r'$.a',
value: 2,
print("jsonNumincrby1 Val.toString() : ${Val1}");
var Val2 = await client.jsonNummultby(
path: r'$..a',
value: 2,
print("jsonNummultby2 Val.toString() : ${Val2}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonNummultby Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonObjkeys command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'test-json-jsonObjkeys1',
value: '{"a":[1], "nested": {"a": {"b":2, "c": 3}}}',
await client.jsonObjkeys(
path: r'$..nested',
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonObjkeys Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonStrappend command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'test-json-jsonStrappend1',
value: '{"a":"foo", "nested": {"a": "hello"}, "nested2": {"a": 31}}',
var Val = await client.jsonGet('test-json-jsonStrappend1');
print("jsonStrappend1.toString() : ${Val}");
await client.jsonStrappend(
path: r'$..a',
value: r'"baz"',
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonStrappend Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
test('jsonStrlen command test', () async {
try {
await client.jsonSet(
key: 'test-json-jsonStrlen1',
value: '{"a":"foo", "nested": {"a": "hello"}, "nested2": {"a": 31}}',
var Val1 = await client.jsonStrlen(
path: r'$..a',
print("jsonStrlen.toString() : ${Val1}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
}, skip: 'jsonStrlen Skipping this test temporarily');
// });
import 'package:redis_dart_link/client.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'redis_client_init.dart';
void main() {
group('Redis Commands HyperLogLog Tests', () {
late RedisClient client;
setUpAll(() async {
client = await initRedisClient();
tearDownAll(() async {
await closeRedisClient(client);
test('PFADD command test', () async {
try {
await client.pfadd(
['a', 'b', 'c'],
var Val = await client.pfcount(
print("pfcount Val.toString() : ${Val}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
// }, skip: 'PFADD Skipping this test temporarily');
test('PFADD command test', () async {
try {
await client.pfadd(
['foo', 'bar', 'zap', 'a'],
await client.pfadd(
['a', 'b', 'c', 'foo'],
await client.pfmerge(
var Val1 = await client.pfcount(
print("pfcount Val.toString() : ${Val1}");
} catch (e) {
print("An error occurred: $e");
// }, skip: 'PFADD Skipping this test temporarily');
See more examples in the example folder