Helm S3 Publisher is a project to help with the process of publishing new releases for charts.
The Helm S3 Publisher project makes it easy to publish new releases to the AWS S3 Bucket.
Ideal for automating pipelines and follows these steps: 1. Check the minimum requirements to start the process; 2. The Git LS Tree feature is built into the CLI and helps you automatically check which charts have changed and will be updated. 3. Validates whether the changed chart already has a published version. It is possible to force and override the version that exists in the repository. We do not recommend using this functionality in production, only in necessary cases. 4. Then, package the chart. 5. Finally, publish the chart to the indicated AWS S3 Bucket using the helm s3 plugin. See: https://github.com/hypnoglow/helm-s3
$ helm s3-publisher REPO [CHART PATHS] [flags]
REPO => (Required) Repository for searching and publishing the new version of the chart.
CHART PATHS => (Optional and Default: . ) List of charts directories separated by commas. If the Git LS Tree feature is enabled, the CLI will attempt to identify all changed chart directories indicated in the PATHS parameter. Example: "dir-chart-1,dir-chart-2"
Complete documentation is available at https://github.com/toolsascode/helm-s3-publisher
helm-s3-publisher REPO [PATHS] [flags]
-c, --config string Config file (default is $HOME/.helm-s3-publisher.yaml or ./.configs/helm-s3-publisher.yaml or .helm-s3-publisher.yaml)
--dry-run Executes the entire process without performing any publishing operations.
-x, --exclude-paths List List of directories to ignore separated by commas.
-g, --git-ls-tree Enable the Git LS Tree feature and automatically disables the CHART PATHS parameter if it was specified.
-h, --help help for helm-s3-publisher
-l, --log-level string Log level [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic]. (default "info")
-o, --output string Sets the standard logger formatter. [text, json]. (default "text")
--output-path Location Location where generated chart files will be saved. (default ".")
-q, --quiet quiet Make some output more quiet.
-r, --report string Generate report on helm charts published or not. [json, text and txt].
-n, --report-name string File name of the generated report without the extension. (default "helm-s3-publisher")
-p, --report-path string Path where the report should be saved. (default ".")
-a, --s3-acl string S3 Object ACL to use for charts and indexes. Can be sourced from S3_ACL environment variable.
-t, --s3-content-type string Set the content-type for the chart file. Can be sourced from S3_CHART_CONTENT_TYPE environment variable. (default "application/gzip")
-f, --s3-force Replace the chart if it already exists. This can cause the repository to lose existing chart; use it with care.
- helm-s3-publisher completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- helm-s3-publisher version - Print the version number of Helm S3 Publisher