Responsive web application that emulates some features of the well-known social network Twitter. The main and most popular feature of these services is their simplicity and synthesizing capacity. Some general features included in this application are described below:
User Registration
Automatic avatar assignation
Password recovery
User profile maintenance
Social Network
Explore other user profile's posts
View posts according to the preferred language set in the web browser
View other user profiles
Follow or un-follow another user
Display of number of followers and followed
Posts pagination
This application was developed using Python 3.x and the popular web development framework Flask. It has integration with other outstanding libraries such as Boostrap to integrate responsive capabilities, SQLAlchemy for database management, Babel with which capabilities were developed to translate the entire application to another language, currently only configured for Spanish and English, In this sense, Microsoft Azure Congnitive Services are also used to provide the application to display user publications in the language configured in the browser. Other important features are the integration of email notifications to handle any problems that may arise with the application, the use of the service to automatically assign random avatars to each new user. For the construction of this application good software engineering practices were applied using the Model View Controler pattern with all the power of the Python language in the backend.