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A data-set of web-scraped daily incident reports, traffic stops, and field interviews from the University of Chicago Police Department

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UCPD Incident Report Data-set

Adam Shelton


The University of Chicago Police Department, one of the largest private police forces in the United States, maintains a jurisdiction of tens of thousands of people in Hyde Park and surrounding areas. The university publishes data on UCPD interactions with community members publicly to their website. This includes incident reports which are archived back to July 1, 2010, traffic stops which are archived back to July 1, 2015, and field interviews which are archived back to July 1, 2015. Using the rvest package in R, these records were scraped from the site and compiled into the data-set available here with the code below. Snapshots of the data are also available to download in the Releases section of this repo. View the analysis of this data here.

Scraping Data

The archive website includes a form to specify a date range to display (at 5 observations at a time). However, the URL follows a consistent pattern to access the archive through a URL query, which is actually much easier. The dates in the URL query are in Unix epoch time starting from 12:00 AM CST on the first day in the archive to current time (although there appears to be a delay in reports being published to the website). Also available in the URL query is an ‘offset’ which goes to a specific observation at an index. As each page displays five observations, we can increment this offset by five until the scraper reaches the last page. The current page number and total number of pages is scraped with each page to keep track of the scraper’s progress.

scrape_ucpd_data = function(url, start_date, end_date = Sys.Date()) {
  obs_index = 0
  page_counts = c(0, 1)

  scraped_data = NULL
  prog_bar = NULL
  page = str_split(url, "/") %>% unlist() %>% .[length(.)]
  message(paste("Scraping", page, "- this may take awhile..."))
  while (page_counts[1] < page_counts[2]) {
    ucpd_url = paste0(url, "?startDate=", as.numeric(as.POSIXct(start_date)), "&endDate=", as.numeric(as.POSIXct(end_date)), "&offset=", obs_index)
    ucpd_page = read_html(ucpd_url)
    page_counts = ucpd_page %>% html_nodes(".page-count span") %>% html_text() %>% str_split("/") %>% unlist() %>% str_squish() %>% as.numeric()
    scrape_table = function(html_page) {
      html_page %>% html_nodes(".ucpd") %>% html_table() %>% .[[1]] %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate_all(as.character)
    if (is.null(scraped_data)) {
      scraped_data = ucpd_page %>% scrape_table()
      prog_bar = txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = page_counts[2], style = 3)
    } else {
      scraped_data = bind_rows(scraped_data, ucpd_page %>% scrape_table())
      setTxtProgressBar(prog_bar, page_counts[1])
    obs_index = obs_index + 5

incident_data = scrape_ucpd_data("", "2010-07-01")

traffic_stop_data = scrape_ucpd_data("", "2015-07-01")

field_interview_data = scrape_ucpd_data("", "2015-07-01")

Exporting Data

The scraped data is appended to a tibble on the fly, so from there, it is simple to export the tibble as a CSV file. Some days will not have any reports, with an observation specifying as such.

  • For the incident reports, each observation is a reported incident and includes and incident category, a location, the time the incident was reported, the time the reported incident occurred, comments/notes, status of the report, and an ID number. As of the last scraping at Mon Dec 02 13:57:04 2019 there were 12833 observations.
  • For the traffic stops, each observation is a stop and includes the location and time the stop occurred, race and gender of the driver, IDOT classification of the stop, the reason for the stop, whether any citations/violations were issued, the disposition of the stop, and whether a search of the vehicle and/or its occupants was conducted. As of the last scraping there were 4395 observations.
  • For the field interviews, each observation is an interview and includes the location and time the interview occurred, who the interview was initiated by, race and gender of the person stopped, the reason for the stop, the disposition of the stop, and whether a search of the person stopped was conducted. As of the last scraping there were 1718 observations.
write_csv(incident_data, here(paste0("ucpd_incident_data_scraped_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")))
write_csv(traffic_stop_data, here(paste0("ucpd_traffic_stop_data_scraped_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")))
write_csv(field_interview_data, here(paste0("ucpd_field_interview_data_scraped_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")))


A data-set of web-scraped daily incident reports, traffic stops, and field interviews from the University of Chicago Police Department






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