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Releases: tomicapretto/flexitext

Release 0.4.0

26 Jan 14:35
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Modernize the package configuration, upgrade CI files, etc.

Release 0.3.0

19 Jan 14:25
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This release updates some development dependencies, add testing for newer Python versions, and allow users to use xycoords="data".

Release 0.2.0

06 Mar 20:52
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This release includes two relevant fixes/improvements:

  • Add mva argument to flexitext() which controls the vertical alignment of individual texts within the outer text box.
  • Improve backgroundcolor behavior. The backgroundcolor of one piece of text does not overlap other pieces of text by default now.

Initial stable release

21 Sep 18:38
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First release with basic functionality tested and working. We also have a static webpage, which is nice :D