Scripts and notes for setting up and using SSHd on your Android device using Termux so that you can SSH, SFTP, and SSHFS to your Android
Install Termux (
Launch Termux
Enter this command (automated install)
> curl -sSL | bash
Or enter these commands (manual install) > apt update
> apt upgrade
> termux-setup-storage
> apt install openssh
> touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
> chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
> chmod 700 ~/.ssh
> ssh-keygen
> cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
> chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
> sshd
Move the need key to the remote host device you want to connect to your Android from
> scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Type this command from within a Terminal
> ssh -p 8022 -i /path/of/id_rsa IPofYourAndroid
Type this command from within a Terminal
> sftp -P 8022 -i /path/of/id_rsa IPofYourAndroid
Make sure you have SSHFS installed Type this command
>sshfs anything@IPofYourAndroid:/data/data/com.termux/files/home/ /path/on/remote/to/mount/ -p 8022 -o IdentityFile=/path/of/id_rsa
Once Mounted you can access the files and directoris on the Android device from any app/program (example, file managers, Atom editor, Libre Office, etc etc)
Install the SFTP File System service if you do not already have it
Fill in the options
- The Hostname/IP is the IP of the Android
- The portnumber is 8022
- Select the PublicKey option
- You do not need to fill in Username or Password
- Paste the contents of id_rsa into the Private Key field
- Set the Path to /data/data/com.termux/files/ for the Termux filespace or /storage/emulated/0 for the shared Android filespace
- Click on Mount
SSH Under Termux -
Termux Storage and Shares -
Termux Help -