Releases: tomek-o/CH341A-tool
Releases · tomek-o/CH341A-tool
- added MCP4725 DAC
- added BMI160 IMU
- added MPU6050 IMU
- added simple line and square shapes generator (whole screen area test) to SSD1306 test
- MDIO interface, using UART TX (as MDC) and RX (as MDIO) CH341A pins
- device detection (PHY address + ID detection) window
- Clause 22 read/write window with bit descriptions for basic and extended PHY registers
- Clause 22 for clause 45 (MMD) read/write window
- added LAN8742A MDIO TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) cable diagnostic over MDIO interface
- added LAN8742A MDIO estimated cable length reading for matched cable with 100 Mbps active link
- added option to start each log line with timestamp
- added reading temperature from LM75 I2C sensor
- added writing to HD44780 display using GPIO
- added writing to HD44780 + PCF8574 (I2C) display
- added I2C address selection to BME280
- BMP280 is listed next to BME280
- added AHT10/AHT20 temperature + humidity sensor
- added writing/reading raw SPI data (but CH341 SPI is quite limited)
- added writing to SPI MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix display
- added AS5600 - magnetic rotary position sensor with 12-bit resolution
Application requires "CH341PAR" driver installed (either included here as or available from If you have previously used CH341A for EEPROM/FLASH programming, you most likely already have it installed.
First release.
Application requires "CH341PAR" driver installed (either included here as or available from If you have previously used CH341A for EEPROM/FLASH programming, you most likely already have it installed.