There are two interfaces for the Hevelius system: web (in very early stages of development) and command line. The command-line can be accessed the following way:
$ python bin/hevelius
usage: hevelius [-h] {stats,migrate,version,config,backup,repo,distrib,groups,catalog} ...
positional arguments:
stats Show database statistics
migrate Migrate to the latest DB schema
version Shows the current DB schema version.
config Shows current DB configuration.
backup Generates DB backup.
repo Manages files repository on local storage.
distrib Shows photos distribution
groups Shows frames' groups
catalog Finds astronomical objects in a catalog
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Help for specific commands is available, e.g.
$ python bin/hevelius catalog --help
usage: hevelius catalog [-h] [-r RA] [-d DECL] [-p PROXIMITY] [-f FORMAT] [-o OBJECT]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r RA, --ra RA Right Ascension (HH MM [SS] format)
-d DECL, --decl DECL Declination of the image searched (+DD MM SS format)
radius of an area to look at (in degrees)
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
format of the frames list output: none, filenames, csv, brief, full
-o OBJECT, --object OBJECT
catalog object to look for
There are two ways how objects can be located. First is by using a name from the
catalog: --object M1
. If the object is found, its coordinates are then used.
The alternative way is to specify the coordinates directly:
--ra "11 22 33" --decl "-22 33 44"
. In both cases, you can specify the radius
around the specified object: --proximity 2.0
. The default being 1 degree.
Hevelius will find catalog objects for you and also list frames that are in the
database. You can use --format XXX
to specify the output format. See --help
for details as the formats are being updated frequently. As of time of writing
this text, the following formats were supported: none
, filenames
, csv
, full
, pixinsight
The pixinsight
format is intended to be used with PixInsight's
SubframeSelector. To import the list, open PixInsight, menu Process ->
ImageInspection -> SubframeSelector, then click on the edit instance source code
(square icon at the bottom), then paste the content into P.subframes
An example command line call:
python bin/hevelius catalog --object C38 --proximity 0.5 --format full