The Accumulate
algorithm will compute the sum of the elements of
an array. Its signature reads:
function Accumulate (A : T_Arr; Init : T) return T;
The algorithm will return Init + A (A'First) + A (A'First+1) +
... + A (A'Last)
This algorithm is the first in this chapter to present difficulties when proving that no overflow may happen. We will present two versions of this algorithm, one which tries to “naively” handle the overflow checks, and another version which correctly deals with overflows.
To be able to write the preconditions and postconditions of
we first need to write a predicate defining what the
result of our function should be:
function Acc_Def_Rec
(A : T_Arr;
Init : T)
return T is
(case A'Length is when 0 => Init,
when others =>
Acc_Def_Rec (A (A'First .. A'Last - 1), Init) + A (A'Last));
function Acc_Def
(A : T_Arr;
Init : T)
return T is (Acc_Def_Rec (A, Init));
As usual with a recursive function, we encapsulate the call to
the recursive function into a simple function in order to be able
to use it as a postcondition. A pragma Annotate
is also defined to assert that the recursive
function terminates.
With the given predicates we can write a specification for Accumulate
function Accumulate_Naive
(A : T_Arr;
Init : T)
return T with
Pre => (for all I in A'Range => Acc_Def (A (A'First .. I), Init) in T),
Post => Accumulate_Naive'Result = Acc_Def (A, Init);
The precondition expresses that all the intermediary sums we are going to evaluate should not overflow. The postcondition expresses that our algorithm returns the correct value.
An implementation satifying our specification is the following
function Accumulate_Naive
(A : T_Arr;
Init : T)
return T
Result : T := Init;
for I in A'Range loop
pragma Assert (Acc_Def (A (A'First .. I), Init) in T);
Result := Result + A (I);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Result = Acc_Def (A (A'First .. I), Init));
end loop;
return Result;
end Accumulate_Naive;
The assertion in the loop verifies that there will not be any
overflows during the sum, and the loop invariant ensures that the
sum is correct for the considered sub-array. Notice that the
assertion cannot be replaced by a loop invariant, as it should be
placed after the assignment to Result
and the absence of
overflow when adding Result
and A (I)
could not be proved.
With this implementation, the assertion, the loop invariant and
the postcondition are proved. Nevertheless, GNATprove
two errors: medium: subprogram "Acc_Def_Rec" might not terminate, terminating annotation could be incorrect medium: overflow check might fail
The first error is simply due to the recursive nature of
, which is solved with our annotation pragma
. The
second error makes reference to the line of Acc_Def_Rec
the sum occurs. At this point SPARK cannot prove whether the sum
will overflow or not. We therefore need to rewrite our functions
to avoid any potential overflow in any part of the code.
As mentionned before we need to take care of the overflows in
. Thanks to Claire Dross from AdaCore for the
following solution.
To be able to specify that the sums we will compute do not
generate any overflow we will first introduce a new option type
that contains T
values (this type is the same as the Option
type defined in Chapter 3, only the type of the encapsulated
value changes):
type T_Option (OK : Boolean) is record
case OK is
when True =>
Value : T;
when False =>
end case;
end record;
The next function may be the most important of our new version, as it will enable us to verify that no overflow occur:
function Add_No_Overflow
(X, Y : T)
return Boolean is
(Y = 0 or else (Y > 0 and then T'Last - Y >= X)
or else (Y < 0 and then T'First - Y <= X));
In this function, we verify that the sum of X
and Y
will not
generate an overflow. We cannot check directly the result of X +
, we only allow operations that do not overflow.
The function checks three cases:
- if
is equal to0
, then no overflow can occur - if
is strictly positive, then we need to make sure thatX + Y
is less thanT'Last
. Mathematically, this is equivalent to verifying thatX <= T'Last - Y
. It is important to note that this last comparison only contains expressions that will not trigger any overflow. - the same
method is applied when
Y < 0
We now have a function that will check if there will be an
overflow when adding two values of type T
. Acc_Def_Rec
are now rewritten as follows:
function Acc_Def_Rec
(A : T_Arr;
F, L : Integer;
Init : T)
return T_Option is
(if L < F then (True, Init)
Acc_Def_Rec (A, F, L - 1, Init).OK
and then Add_No_Overflow
(Acc_Def_Rec (A, F, L - 1, Init).Value, A (L))
then (True, Acc_Def_Rec (A, F, L - 1, Init).Value + A (L))
else (OK => False))) with
Pre => (if L >= F then L in A'Range and F in A'Range);
function Acc_Def
(A : T_Arr;
F, L : Integer;
Init : T)
return T_Option is (Acc_Def_Rec (A, F, L, Init)) with
Pre => (if L >= F then L in A'Range and F in A'Range);
has been updated to return a T_Option
containing the sum of the elements of A
from index F
to index L
, only if no overflow happened during the
calculation. Otherwise, the T_Option
is be empty.
Notice that the working principle of the algorithm is the same,
we simply make sure that there are no overflows in the previous
calculations, and that the sum of the result of Acc_Def_Rec (A,
F, L - 1, Init) + A (L)
does not overflow.
We can now rewrite the specification for Accumulate
function Accumulate
(A : T_Arr;
Init : T)
return T with
Pre => (for all J in A'Range => Acc_Def (A, A'First, J, Init).OK),
Post => Accumulate'Result = Acc_Def (A, A'First, A'Last, Init).Value;
The precondition and postcondition are virtually the same, they
simply make use of the new return type of Acc_Def_Rec
. We do
not need to check that Acc_Def (A, A'First, A'Last, Init).Value
exists in the precondition, since this is already ensured by the
An implementation deriving from the previous specification is:
function Accumulate
(A : T_Arr;
Init : T)
return T
Result : T := Init;
for J in A'Range loop
pragma Assert (Acc_Def (A, A'First, J, Init).OK);
Result := Result + A (J);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Result = Acc_Def (A, A'First, J, Init).Value);
end loop;
return Result;
end Accumulate;
The assertion inside the loop checks that there are no overflow
when adding A(J)
to the intermediary result. The loop invariant
ensures we are doing the right calculations.
With this specification and implementation everything is proved
by GNATprove