This is a base iOS app that wraps a website. We are adding features to build out core functionally as well as using the project as a test for various online freelance sites.
- App support:
- iOS Version: 8.0 and greater
- Phone Devices: iPhone 4S and greater
- Tablet Devices: None
- Orientation: Portrait only
- All development is done via a "Fork and Pull" approach on Github around project Issues. (See Understanding the GitHub Flow to learn more)
- This project uses OCLint to ensure a good coding style. Be sure your code is passing OCLint before submitting a pull request. Installation and usage instructions are below.
- Be sure to use descriptive comments on your commits -- including why you used the solution you did.
- Reference the issue number when you submit your Pull Request. (e.g. "Fixes #7")
- Use of 3rd party libraries (such as CocoaPods) can be used if they meet the following criteria:
- Are 100% open source
- Licensed under MIT, BSD, or Apache license
- Actively maintained (updated in the last 90 days)
- Popular enough to have 12+ stars on Github
- No open bugs related to our use of the library
- brew tap oclint/formulae
- brew update
- brew install oclint
At the command line run the following in the root of the project directory and fix any issues that are reported:
- xcodebuild clean
- xcodebuild | tee xcodebuild.log
- oclint-xcodebuild
- oclint-json-compilation-database