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Developer README

This document is intended for contributors. It explains how to set up the development environment for this project.
User-oriented documentation, including installation and usage instructions, can be found in

initial setup


Development VM ID from Thorsten for this project: 014
(Only interesting to him.)

project setup

  1. execute a git pull
  2. open project in VSCode
  3. If you work with VSCode via remote software:
    • {Ctrl}+{Shift}+{P} -> >Preferences: Open Settings (UI) -> search for keyboard.dispatch and set it to keyCode
    • Restart or reload VSCode.
  4. Install recommended extensions/ plugins:
    • Open Extensions menu in VSCode ({Ctrl}+{Shift}+{X})
    • type in the search @recommended
    • install and enable the plugins
    • see file .vscode/extensions.json for configuring some of the extensions
    • Restart or reload VSCode.
  5. In VSCode on the bottom left click your profile image and log in all services (GitHub due to VSCode extensions, ...)
    If the browser to VSCode callback fails, wait for the login popup on the bottom right to timeout (ca. 5 minutes) and then on the upcoming popup question You have not yet finished authorizing [...] Would you like to try a different way? (local server) click Yes and use this alternative login mechanic.
    (When you do not want to wait for the timeout to happen, you can also click the Cancel to trigger the dialog faster.)
  6. Install dependencies: pnpm i
  7. Happy coding <3

Create a release

When the variable {VERSION} is used in the following, then the exact string from field version of the package.json is meant, so to say the new version that the software will have after the release without prefixes like v.

  1. Do not merge new things while the release is prepared, so stop it here until done.
  2. Check out branch main locally.
  3. Let us reset possible local disparities & test if the lockfile is healthy:
    rm -rf node_modules/ dist/
    pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
  4. Let us now find what the new version should be, therefore you have two ways to go:
    1. Variant 1: automatically detect new version depending on conventional commits of the commit messages since the old version
      1. bump the new version in package.json depending on conventional commits of the commit messages since the old version and generate a new entry in
        (You could force a verion bump, but this is not what we whant. But see Doc for details.)
        pnpm changelogen --no-commit --no-tag --bump [--{FORCE_VERSION}]
      2. See the changes made in package.json and and check if the version is reasonable.
      3. Reset the changelog bc we will generate it later again:
        git checkout ""
    2. Variant 2: manually set a new version
      1. Open the package.json and write the wanted version in the version field.
  5. Use the following to create a changelog for the new version:
    pnpm changelogen --output -r "{VERSION}" --no-commit --no-tag
  6. Create a branch with the name rel/v{VERSION} so that the made changes that are not committed yet are on there.
  7. Commit the made changes to the branch.
    (You can use whatever commit message you want to use, e.g. chore: prepare release v{VERSION}.)
  8. Create a PR on GitHub for the branch to be merged to main with the title: chore(release): v{VERSION}
  9. Open
    1. Directly after the headline ## v{VERSION} add the following with correctly changed content:
      Compare changes [from v{VERSION-old} to v{VERSION}]({VERSION-old}...v{VERSION}) or see [full changelog](
    2. In the ### 🏡 Chore section (always the last before ### ❤️ Contributors) add a new line at the end with the correct content for {VERSION} and {PR_NUMBER}:
      - **release:** v{VERSION} ([#{PR_NUMBER}]({PR_NUMBER}))
    3. [optional] Change more things if needed (e.g. add description text at the top, ...)
  10. Commit the made changes to the branch.
    (You can use whatever commit message you want to use, e.g. chore: add current release PR to changelog.)
  11. Squash & merge the GitHub PR to main.
  12. The GitHub workflow action defined in the file github-release-and-npm-package-publish.yml will create a GitHub Release & a NPM package publishing for the new version.
  13. Now you can continue merging new things, the release is done.

The commit message trigger must be present in the main commit message, so to say the first line, not the description.

GitHub Release & NPM Publishing

Using the suffix [rel-TYPE-CHANGELOG] in a commit message on branch main will trigger the GitHub workflow (CI action) that uses pnpm changelogen under the hood to analyze the Conventional Commits from the last version to the current commit.

Allowed parameter

  • TYPE can be:

    • none will take the version from package.json as new version (best if you already set the wanted new version locally and pushed it)
    • All other types will bump the version in package.json like the following:
      • automatically:
        • auto: Bump the version depending on the detected semver changes.
      • manually by forcing a version increase:
        • major: Bump as a semver-major version
        • minor: Bump as a semver-minor version
        • patch: Bump as a semver-patch version
        • premajor: Bump as a semver-premajor version, can set id with string.
        • preminor: Bump as a semver-preminor version, can set id with string.
        • prepatch: Bump as a semver-prepatch version, can set id with string.
        • prerelease: Bump as a semver-prerelease version, can set id with string.
  • CHANGELOG can be:

    • n for using the given without updates (best if you already created it locally and pushed it)
    • y for updating the according to the semver commit messages from last version tag to current commit (recommended)


  • evaluate the parameter and work accordingly
  • [optional] Committing changes as author github-actions[bot] <> directly on branch main if changes were made
  • Creating a tag at the new version commit on with the version number
  • Creating a GitHub Release out of it
  • Publishing the package into the NPM Registry

You can use pnpm changelogen --dry to generate the new changelog in a dry run to preview in development.

Template Compilation and Usage

It uses Handlebars to generate the code.

Here's a more detailed explanation of how everything works:

  1. During local installation, all Handlebars templates are precompiled into JavaScript code so they can be bundled without the need to manually specify which *.hbs files need to be included or reference them at runtime.

    1. The process works by scanning all files in the src directory and generating a TypeScript file for each found template.
    2. These files contain the precompiled Handlebars code and export the instantiated template (which is a regular function) as the default export. This allows the templates to be used simply by importing them.
    3. The script treats partials (identified by being in _partials directories) differently: They are also precompiled as described above, but for each _partials directory, an index file is generated that registers all the contained partials on import.
    4. To generate these two types of files, the script itself uses Handlebars templates. These do not need to be precompiled or bundled as they are only used during the plugin's development.
  2. The templates themselves are fairly simple but split across multiple files and helpers to reduce duplication.

    1. The fn_prefix partial generates code for the node getter function and is adaptable for both .d.ts and .js code. For example, in declaration files, the use of async function is not allowed.
    2. The children partial is recursive and constructs the tree of child indices, using a helper function to build the index array.
    3. The imports partial builds a list of imports and takes into account type-only imports. Currently, this is not required and is a remnant of a previous iteration. I decided to keep it in, as it might be useful in the future.
    4. The main templates, declaration and runtime, are now simply wrappers around these partials.

See PR #16, which introduces this logic for the first time.

lint and prettier

This project uses antfu/eslint-config for eslint most of the files. The following extend it:

Keep in mind that the plugin names are renamed, see Plugins Rename, e.g.:

-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
+// eslint-disable-next-line ts/consistent-type-definitions
type foo = { bar: 2 }

Why I don't use Prettier for every file type

Docs and helper websites

[currently none]