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Measure Hangprinter externally

Current Hangprinters can only measure their own motor positions. This is useful, but limited. hp-mark is a separate solution for measuring a Hangprinter's positions and orientations of anchors and effector.

High-Level User-Story Dream

  1. Mount a computer-connected camera
  2. Point camera towards build area
  3. BAM! Hangprinter calibrates itself, and gets ready to start printing with fantastic accuracy & reliability

That user experience might be impossible to achieve, but let's get as close as we can.

Use Cases by Priority

  1. Establish a coordinate system, with z-axis normal to the build plate
  2. The effector as a measurement device: Measure the effector's position and orientation
  3. Calibrate perfect anchor positions
  4. Measure Hangprinter's positional precision and accuracy
  5. Improve accuracy with static compensation matrix
  6. Detect print disasters
  7. Improve precision by dynamically compensating for measured errors

Comment on use case 2: By combining effector position data with the auto-calibration-simulation-for-hangprinter, we might find perfect anchor positions without having the anchors in-image.

History, as of Mar 31, 2021

This project was all about getting good pose estimations, for the first 6 months. hp-mark was developed as a separate measurement system, with no Hangprinter-specific code or hardware.

We have now started manually executing Hangprinter use cases, like homing and anchor calibration. See demo 0, demo 1, and demo 2, and demo 3.

Ahead of us now, is automating it more.


We can estimate poses with one camera, stably and reliably. Tweet.

  • Acquire hardware
  • Calibrate camera
  • Acquire training/benchmark images
  • Calculate one 3D point from one marker
  • Calculate n single points from n markers
  • Calculate 6D pose from 6 points (solve perspective-6-point, or P6P problem)
  • Acquire camera 6D pose (this includes defining our world coordinate system)
  • Acquire effector 6D pose
  • Detect all markers on 95% of training images
  • Create a continuous stream of position measurements (video?)
  • Get a statistical idea about size of error at the origin
  • Respond to RepRapFirmware/Duet request for position measurement

A checked box above means "good enough for now".


  • Take image ourselves upon request, don't rely on other programs to take image first
  • Get a statistical idea about size of precision and accuracy in the whole measurement volume
  • Integrate a second camera, to reduce error


  • Raspberry Pi 4 (mine is Model B, 2GB RAM)
  • Arducam 8 MP Sony IMX219 camera module
  • Lens: M2504ZH05 Arducam lens
  • 32GB U3 SD card
  • Default recommended Raspberry Pi OS, 32-bit
  • OpenCV 4.4.0
  • EDLib for ellipse detection
  • Probably a separate computer ("desktop" or "laptop" or "main computer") for running hpm. You can run hpm directly on the Raspberry Pi, but it's slow.

How To Clone/Pull This Repository

  • Clone with git clone --recursive The --recursive is there to make sure you get the hpm submodule.
  • If you already did git clone without --recursive, do git submodule init && git submodule update to get submodule code right.
  • When you pull the hp-mark repo, since the hpm submodule might also have changed since last time, do either one of
    git pull; cd hpm; git pull; cd ..
    git pull --recurse-submodules

How To Use This Repository

First calibrate your camera. How to do that is described in the in camera-calibration directory.

Then compile hpm.


hpm is the core part of hp-mark. It is a program that reads data from the camera, and outputs a pose (three rotational values, three translational values).

hpm Dependencies

This repo will (for now) assume that a number of dependencies are already installed by the user.

Main Computer

  • OpenCV 4.2.0 or later
  • g++ version 10 or later
  • build2 version 0.13.0 or later (not required if you're only going to build once)
  • clang++ version 10 or later (not required for build & use)
  • clang-tidy version 10 or later (not required for build & use)
  • clang-format version 10 or later (not required for build & use)
  • compiledb (not required for build & use)
  • shfmt (not required for build & use)
  • python3 (not required for build & use)
  • black (not required for build & use)
  • scipy (not required for build & use)
  • numpy (not required for build & use)

Raspberry Pi 4

  • rpicam-still (shading fix required if you don't use standard Raspberry Pi Picam. For why, and how to get the right shading fixes for Arducam lenses see here.)

Why Are Some Dependencies Not Required for hpm Build & Use?

Scripts,, etc are there to softly enforce some coding quality and standards. It you're not going to change the code anyways, then you don't need the scripts nor their dependencies.

Why Is build2 Not Required Always?

build2 is a fast build system, but it takes a while to get it. If you only need to build once, you can build without any build system, and use the script hpm/hpm/ instead.

It will be a very slow build, but it will take less time than it would have taken to acquire build2.

hpm How To Build

First, you need a fairly recent version of OpenCV installed somewhere in your C++ compilers' search path. You can probably use your system's package manager. On Ubuntu, something like

sudo apt install libopencv-dev

If you're on another system, see OpenCV's or your operating system's official build/install instructions.

Back in the day, I had to build OpenCV myself. See <href="./doc/simplest-hpm-compilation-ubuntu-20.04">simplest-hpm-compilation-ubuntu-20.04 if you for some reason need to do that.

For Users Who Only Build Once

sudo apt install libopencv-dev
cd hp-mark/hpm/hpm
./ --no-tests

Then try running the resulting hpm binary:

./hpm --help

I'm not using it directly most of the time. Rather, I'm using it via the scripts found in the hp-mark/use directory

For An Advanced User Who Wants To Build Repeatedly

Build with build2. See for install instructions.

Before building hpm with build2, its recommended to create a build configuration. No pre-configured build configuration is shipped with this project, and build2's default configuration works poorly with hpm.

cd <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm
bdep init --config-create ../my-build-dir @user cc config.cxx=g++-10

This creates a build2 config, gives it the location ../my-build-dir, the name @user, and the compiler g++-10. Compile with


If You're a Developer Making a Pull Request

Create a configuration with some more compiler flags than the user:

cd <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm
#in < path - to > / hp - mark / hpm
bdep init --config-create ../my-advanced-config @developer cc config.cxx=g++-10 config.cxx.coptions="-g -Wall -Wextra -Wold-style-cast -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -Wcast-align -Wunused -Woverloaded-virtual -Wpedantic -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -Wmisleading-indentation -Wnull-dereference -Wdouble-promotion -Werror -O2 -march=native"

You can edit your personal or compiler specific flags later, in <path-to>/hp-mark/my-advanced-config/build/ Some example flags for reference can be seen in <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm-gcc/build/

Compile with

b test

which will build and test using your default build config.

Symlinks to executables end up in <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm/hpm/. The executables themselves, as well as build artifacts, end up in ../my-build-dir/hpm/hpm/ or ../my-advanced-config/hpm/hpm/, depending on which build you updated.

Create as many configs as you want. One that cross compiles for the Raspberry Pi 4 might be particularly useful in the later stages of this project, when build times get noticeable.

You can see all your configs, and which of them is the default with

bdep config list

bdep is a very flexible and useful command. See its documentation here.

I use some own notes for remembering build2 commands.

How To Run

Your executable should tell you how it wants to be used. Ask it like this:


or, like this:

cd <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm/hpm/

The executable will tell you that it wants some camera parameters (a config file). Examples of camera parameter configs are given in hp-mark/hpm/hpm/example-cam-params/. They contain the outputs of your camera calibration, as well as camera-rotation and camera-translation that are created by hpm itself, if it's executed with the -c/--camera-position-calibration flag.

To get the correct camera-rotation and camera-translation:

  1. Place your effector at home position (nozzle in origin, lines tight, effector horizontal).
  2. Mount your camera in it's final position, pointing towards the effector.
  3. Take the image (and maybe download to your main computer, if that's where you execute hpm).
  4. Run $ ./hpm <your-half-finished-camera-parameters-file> <marker-parameters> <image-file> --camera-calibration

But Wait, We Don't Have The Correct Marker Parameters Yet!

True. Marker parameters is another config file, that describes your markers. Examples of such configs are found in hp-mark/hpm/hpm/example-marker-params/. They contain:

  • Maker positions on the effector
  • Marker type on the effector
  • Marker size on the effector
  • Optionally: marker positions on the bed
  • Optionally: marker type on the bed
  • Optionally: marker size on the bed

Your marker type is most probably disk, but hpm also supports sphere. Your marker diameter is 90 mm if you follow my standard example. Bigger is generally better. Your marker positions are a bit more complicated. We want their xyz positions relative to the tip of the nozzle, in a coordinate system that looks like this:

markers principal sketch

It's very hard to take these xyz measurements directly.

You have two options for how to get these xyz measurements.

Option 1: Try Markers Positions Detector

Getting the xyz measurements of the markers can be done with computer vision. Dzardajs (aka Github user matusbalazi) has made Markers Positions Detector to help you do that. At the time of writing (April 8, 2022) Markers Positions Detector is still quite new, but I recommend that you try this out first if you already have a well-calibrated camera.

Option 2: The Script

This is the old way, like a precursor to Markers Positions Detector.

If you want to use, there will be 21 manual measurements. They are all either between the center of a marker to the tip of the nozzle, or between two centers of markers. Referring to the image, Make the following measurements in the following order:

  • nozzle-m0, nozzle-m1, nozzle-m2, nozzle-m3, nozzle-m4, nozzle-m5
  • m0-m1, m0-m2, m0-m3, m0-m4, m0-m5,
  • m1-m2, m1-m3, m1-m4, m1-m5,
  • m2-m3, m2-m4, m2-m5,
  • m3-m4, m3-m5,
  • m4-m5.

Armed with these 21 values (in units of millimeters), do

cd hp-mark/find-marker-positions
./ --measurements <all measurements here in correct order, separated by spaces>

Alternatively, you can type in your 21 values into the script directly. It's near the bottom of the file. I you do type in directly into the file, you can execute the script with no arguments:


If you get a cost below ca 3, you're probably good. Copy/paste the final values you get into your marker-params config file.

Congrats! You should now be able to measure the position of your effector with hp-mark. Take a few test images and see if it works.

Usage Via SSH

After a while, it gets cumbersome to always have to download the image from the Raspberry Pi to the main computer manually, so I've written some scripts to speed that up.

Look into:


Open it, change CAMPARAMS and MARKERPARAMS variables so they point to your two new config files. It accepts the same flags as hpm does, so take it for a ride for example like

./ --show result

... and press Enter to get another image, or ctrl-C to exit.

How to get external camera parameters?

After the correct camera calibration you obtained internal camera parameters stored in the myCamParams.xml file. Then you found markers positions on the effector which are also stored in the XML file. Last thing we have to do to use hp-mark is to find out external camera parameters (rotation and translation of camera).

I made simple script which will make it easier and faster for you. It runs hpm, analyzes input image, generates XML file with external camera parameters and merges internal and external cam params into one XML file.

All you need is:

  • XML file with internal camera parameters
  • XML file with markers parameters
  • image of your effector with markers placed on it

Now install colorama package by typing to command line:

sudo apt update
sudo pip install colorama

Then run:

python3 <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm/hpm/

There is a bunch of arguments you can add to speed up later process:

  1. -f1 or --xmlC means path to the internal cam params XML file
  2. -f2 or --xmlM means path to the markers params XML file
  3. -f3 or --image means path to the input image which will be analyzed

So the command to run this program can look like this:

python3 <path-to>/hp-mark/hpm/hpm/ --xmlC <path-to>/myCamParams.xml --xmlM <path-to>/myMarkersParams.xml --image <path-to>/image.jpg

After that myCamParams.xml should be generated in the same folder as is. Last thing you have to change is CAMPARAMS variable in file so it points to your new config file.

Another important script, which also tries to move the Hangprinter's effector around between images is called I won't get into detail about that here. Some detail is offered in the docs.

Remaining Development Challenges

  • The cameras' positions are estimated from images of known patterns. The results' accuracy are limited by errors in the markers and errors in the camera calibration values
  • We must calibrate the camera lens to compensate for optical distortion. This is time consuming and hard. The lo-distortion lens from Arducam helps a bit, but not all the way.

Opportunities & Smaller Use Cases


camera localization, pose estimation, motion tracking, optical sensors, vision-based registration, marker-based tracking techniques, fiducial marker localization


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