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87 lines (59 loc) · 4.5 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (59 loc) · 4.5 KB


  • 💚 Add support for traditional By locators (#74)


  • ➕ Locate elements by multiple classes in an element's class attribute (#72)


  • ➕ ::: Implemented Locator.AtPosition(int position) to allow choosing an element at a specific index when there are multiple with the same locator properties.
  • 💚 ::: Updated GitHub build workflow to use docker-compose to spin up Selenoid and a custom version of The Internet (
  • ❌ ::: Make Element.Exists obsolete and use the same code in Element.Displayed.


  • [NEW ✨] Elements can be located based on properties it doesn't have.
    • To find a div tag with "foo" as a class name: DivTag.WithClass("foo")
    • To find a div tag without "foo" as a class name: DivTag.WithClass("foo", false)
  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Added ability to configure "HideCommandPromptWindow". It is true by default.


  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Add missing Screen and ScreenComponent base classes.


  • [NEW ✨] Added Use<TPage>() method to PageCollection
  • [NEW ✨] Added overloads for Use<TPage>() that returns the page instance


  • [NEW ✨] Added Screen type equivalents for PageMap, Page and Page<TPageMap>
  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Changed PageMap property protection level from public to protected (#58)
  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Removed IHtmlElements interface
  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Removed Interfaces directory
  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Some minor cleanup


  • [FIX 💪🏾] Element.WithText("$|someString") was not using the correct xpath to locate elements with text that ends with a given string


  • [NEW ✨] Add capabilities from JSON config


  • [NEW ✨] Add Precedes(), Follows(), Child(), and Parent() methods to Locator() and Element() classes.
    • Ex: DivTag.Parent() => Locates the parent of a div tag.
    • Ex: DivTag.Child() => Locates the child of a div tag.
    • Ex: DivTag.Precedes(SpanTag) => Locates a div tag that precedes another span tag.
    • Ex: DivTag.Follows(SpanTag) => Locates a div tag that follows another span tag.
  • [REFACTOR 🛠] YET ANOTHER overhaul to web driver management. Here is the short list:
    • Added mapper classes that map the APIs of driver options and services for Firefox, Chrome, and IE to a common API. This has always been the goal with each iteration of this part of the framework. But this time I prioritized clarity and maintainability.
    • Renamed Browser to BrowserSession to prevent namespace collisions with classes in Basin.Core.


  • [NEW ✨] Added an ElementTimeout property to IBrowserConfig used in the Element class as a default inline timeout.
  • [NEW ✨] Added an IfTextMatches(string pattern) method to Element class that returns the element if text matches and throws an error if it doesn't.
  • [HOUSEKEEPING 🧹] Cleaned up Element class by removed unnecessary overload constructors. All element locations are based entirely on ILocatorBuilder.


  • [FIX] Classes can't be named identically to namespaces. Renamed Basin() class to BasinEnv() to fix namespace issues, but also to be more indicitive of its purpose.


  • [NEW] Added more html tags.
  • [STRUCTURAL] Renamed static Driver class to Browser
  • [STRUCTURAL] Renamed BSN to Basin.


This is mostly comprised of underlying structural changes and CI/CD updates.

  • [NEW] Automated nuget publishing and github releases
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] BSN.* is now Basin.*
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] DriverFactory() renamed to BrowserFactory() and updated to use decorators


  • [FIX] PageCollections would throw a duplicate key error. It just returns if the key already exists.
  • [NEW] New Locator() class that builds an XPath selector for you and returns By.XPath. If more advance XPath usage is need, Just use the existing Locate methods.
    • Usage: new Locator("table").WithId("earningsTable").By;
  • [NEW] Add semantic locate methods. Its possible that there are some missing elements not very commonly used for browser automation. These initial methods should cover most if not all use cases. The Element() class was updated with an overload constructor that uses the new Locator() class.
    • Current: public Element LoginButton => Locate(By.CssSelector(".loginBtn"));
    • New: public Element LoginButton => Button.WithClass("loginBtn");