Feature | Coded? | Description |
Home screen | ❌ | - |
Header Component | ✔ | Reusable header component. |
Sidebar Component | ✔ | Reusable sidebar component. |
Input Component | ✔ | Reusable input component with options for left and right icons, masks and custom labels. |
Signin screen | ✔ | Signin screen with react hook form and yup for input validation. |
Recovery password screen | ✔ | Recovery password screen with react hook form and yup for input validation. |
Signup screen | ✔ | Signup screen with react hook form and yup for input validation. |
Modal Hook | ✔ | Custom modal hook with "success" and "error" options. |
Middleware to private routes | ✔ | Redirect to /login if logged out users try access private routes. |
Products list screen | ❌ | - |
Filter Modal | ❌ | - |
Product screen | ❌ | - |
Favorites screen | ❌ | - |
Checkout screen | ❌ | - |
Create product screen | ❌ | - |
Edit product screen | ❌ | - |
- React
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Chakra UI
- React Icons
- React Hook Form
- Yup
- Axios
- Nookies
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Editor Config
- How validate and manipulate inputs with react hook form and yup.
For this project to work 100%, you will also need to run the back end, for that check this repository.
In addition, you must configure the environment variables as described in the .env.example
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/tl-lucasestevam/pcx.git
# Access the project folder
$ cd pcx
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn
# Run the application in development mode
$ yarn dev