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Kubernetes Commands Research
all, certificatesigningrequests, clusterrolebindings, clusterroles, componentstatuses, configmaps, controllerrevisions, cronjobs, customresourcedefinition, daemonsets, deployments, endpoints, events, horizontalpodautoscalers, ingresses, jobs, limitranges, namespaces, networkpolicies, nodes, persistentvolumeclaims, persistentvolumes, poddisruptionbudgets, podpreset, pods, podsecuritypolicies, podtemplates, replicasets, replicationcontrollers, resourcequotas, rolebindings, roles, secrets, serviceaccounts, services, statefulsets, storageclasses
Verbose cluster information
- kubectl cluster-info
- kubectl cluster-info dump
Verbose resource description
- kubectl describe all
Get a resource description
- kubectl get foo
Get logs of a resource
- kubectl logs POD_NAME -c CONTAINER_NAME -p
Get top data of a node/pod
- kubectl top node/pod foo
Apply a configuration to a pod
- kubectl apply -f ./pod.json
Edit a resource in editor (this is not possible from api/slack)
- kubectl edit
Autoscale a deployment
- kubectl autoscale deployment foo --min=2 --max=10
Create a resources from json
- kubectl create -f ./pod.json
Drain a node
- kubectl drain foo
Set resource labels
- kubectl label pod status=unhealthy
Expose a resources as a service
- kubectl expose
Replace a resource by json
- kubectl replace -f ./pod.json
Rolling update pods after config change
- kubectl rolling-update foo-v1 -f foo-v2.json
Start a container instance
- kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run
Scale a replicaset
- kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/foo
Taint a node
- kubectl taint nodes foo dedicated=special-user:NoSchedule
Delete a resource from json
- kubectl delete foo
Explains a resource. Could be interesting for something like a man page mode?
- kubectl explain pod/node/...
https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/ https://github.com/mhausenblas/kubectl-in-action