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File metadata and controls

95 lines (82 loc) · 4.27 KB


Essential features to improve the experience on your survival server:

  • Warps
    • Warp Signs
    • Per-Warp Permissions
  • Homes
    • Fully customizable home limits
  • Start Items
  • Teleportation Requests (tpa)
    • TP-Here Requests (tpahere)
    • Requester can cancel
    • Players can toggle receiving requests
  • Colored Signs
  • Anti-AFK Farming
  • Clever AFK Kick
  • Enhanced AFK Kick
  • Sleep Coordination
    • Skip Night if x% players are sleeping

All features are disabled/OP-only by default to allow for maximum configurability.


  • survivalutils.tpa.* grants these permissions:
    • survivalutils.tpa grants these permissions:
      • survivalutils.tpa.tpa allows the player to use /tpa.
      • survivalutils.tpa.tpahere allows the player to use /tpahere.
      • survivalutils.tpa.accept allows the player to use /tpaccept.
    • survivalutils.tpa.cancel allows the player to use /tpcancel.
    • survivalutils.tpa.toggle allows the player to use /tptoggle.
  • survivalutils.home allows the player to use /home, /sethome, /delhome, and /homes.
  • survivalutils.homelimit.x allows the player to use home limit 'x' as defined in the config.yml.
  • survivalutils.warp allows the player to teleport to and list warps.
  • survivalutils.warps allows the player to warp everywhere.
  • survivalutils.warps.x allows the player to warp to warp 'x'.
  • survivalutils.warpsigns allows the player to place warp signs.
  • survivalutils.allowafk allows the player to bypass all anti-AFK measures.
  • survivalutils.notpcooldown allows the player to bypass the teleportation cooldown.
  • survivalutils.managewarps allows the player to use /setwarp and /delwarp.
  • survivalutils.coloredsigns allows the player to use colors on signs.
  • survivalutils.reload allows the player to use /survivalutils reload.

Remember: All permissions are OP-only by default to allow for maximum configurability.

If you don't have a permission manager, you can use the permissions.yml as follows:

  default: true
    survivalutils.tpa.*: true
    survivalutils.home: true
    survivalutils.warp: true
    survivalutils.warps: true

Similarly, you can use the permissions.yml to remove permissions from OPs:

  default: 'op'
    survivalutils.allowafk: false


  • homeLimits
    • default: The default home limit
    • op: The home limit for OPs
    • Other keys can be used to define custom permissions. For example, if you place vip: 20 in here, players with the permissions can create up to 20 homes.
  • startItems
    • enabled: Enable start items? (true/false)
    • items: The items players get the first time they join. Note that the slot is zero-indexed and the type is a 1.8 Material name.
  • antiAfkFarming
    • enabled: Prevent AFK farming? (true/false)
    • seconds: After seconds seconds of not moving, a player will be prevented from attacking and interacting.
  • cleverAfkKick
    • enabled: Enable clever AFK kicking? (true/false)
    • softSeconds: If a player has not moved for seconds seconds and is becoming a third wheel, they will be kicked.
  • afkKick
    • enabled: Enable AFK kicking? (true/false)
    • seconds: After seconds seconds of not moving, a player will be kicked.
  • afkKickMessage: The reason given to players when they are kicked due to anti-AFK measures.
  • sleepCoordination
    • enabled: Enable Sleep Coordination? (true/false)
    • message: The message that will be sent to all players in a dimension when at least one player is sleeping.
    • intervalTicks: The amount of ticks to wait before broadcasting the message. (1 second = 20 ticks)
    • skipPercent: The percent of players that have to sleep for the night or storm to end.
  • teleportCooldown: The amount of seconds players will have to wait to teleport again.
  • createWarpCommands: Create warp commands, e.g. /spawn to alias /warp spawn? (true/false)
  • warpSigns
    • line: The first line of warp signs
    • color: The color code to use for the first line of warp signs
  • warps: All created warps. I don't recommend you manually modify this.

Don't forget to run /survivalutils reload to reload the configuration once you're done changing it.