Homeworks for Advanced computer graphics, FRI 2022.
Inverse distance weighting (IDW) with its basic form, the Shepard’s method and Modified Shepard’s method with limited radius of influence of each data point. Interpolate.exe reads standard input data (Console.ReadLine) and outputs floats to binary file output.raw. There is also an option to output byte binary file for visualization of the volume.
Compile c# with:
csc *.cs
Run interpolate.exe with basic method (command prompt, not powershell):
./interpolate < input1k.txt --method basic --p 2 --min-x -1.5 --min-y -1.5 --min-z -1 --max-x 1.5 --max-y 1.5 --max-z 1 --res-x 128 --res-y 128 --res-z 64
or modified method:
./interpolate < input1k.txt --method modified --r 0.5 --min-x -1.5 --min-y -1.5 --min-z -1 --max-x 1.5 --max-y 1.5 --max-z 1 --res-x 128 --res-y 128 --res-z 64
Physically based rendering path tracing framework with basic path tracing algorithm with Russian roulette for stopping and importance sampling of choosing ray directions, support for spherical light sources and Oren-Nayar material.