The @timescaledb/core
package provides fundamental building blocks for working with TimescaleDB in TypeScript/JavaScript applications. It includes SQL query builders and utilities for managing hypertables, continuous aggregates, compression, and other TimescaleDB-specific features.
npm install @timescaledb/core
import { TimescaleDB } from '@timescaledb/core';
// Create a hypertable
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('measurements', {
by_range: { column_name: 'time' },
// Generate SQL to create the hypertable
const sql = hypertable.up().build();
// SELECT create_hypertable('measurements', by_range('time'));
The main entry point for all functionality.
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('table_name', {
by_range: {
column_name: 'time',
compression: {
compress: true,
compress_orderby: 'time',
compress_segmentby: 'device_id',
policy: {
schedule_interval: '7 days',
// Generate creation SQL
const createSql = hypertable.up().build();
// Generate drop SQL
const dropSql = hypertable.down().build();
// Check if hypertable exists
const checkSql = hypertable.inspect().build();
const aggregate = TimescaleDB.createContinuousAggregate('daily_summary', 'raw_data', {
bucket_interval: '1 day',
time_column: 'time',
aggregates: {
avg_temp: {
type: 'avg',
column: 'temperature',
column_alias: 'average_temperature',
max_temp: {
type: 'max',
column: 'temperature',
column_alias: 'max_temperature',
refresh_policy: {
start_offset: '3 days',
end_offset: '1 hour',
schedule_interval: '1 hour',
// Generate creation SQL
const createSql = aggregate.up().build();
// Generate drop SQL
const dropSql = aggregate.down().build();
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('measurements', {
by_range: { column_name: 'time' },
compression: {
compress: true,
compress_orderby: 'time',
compress_segmentby: 'device_id',
// Get compression statistics
const statsSql = hypertable
select: {
total_chunks: true,
compressed_chunks: true,
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('measurements', {
by_range: { column_name: 'time' },
// Basic time bucket query
const { sql, params } = hypertable
interval: '1 hour',
metrics: [
{ type: 'count', alias: 'total' },
{ type: 'distinct_count', column: 'device_id', alias: 'unique_devices' },
range: {
start: new Date('2025-01-01'),
end: new Date('2025-02-01'),
// With where clause filtering
const { sql: filteredSql, params: filteredParams } = hypertable
interval: '1 hour',
metrics: [
{ type: 'count', alias: 'total' },
{ type: 'distinct_count', column: 'device_id', alias: 'unique_devices' },
range: {
start: new Date('2025-01-01'),
end: new Date('2025-02-01'),
where: {
device_id: 'sensor-123', // Simple equality
temperature: { '>': 25 }, // Comparison operator
status: { IN: ['active', 'warning'] }, // IN clause
location: { 'NOT IN': ['zone-a', 'zone-b'] }, // NOT IN clause
const candlestick = TimescaleDB.createCandlestickAggregate('stock_prices', {
time_column: 'timestamp',
price_column: 'price',
volume_column: 'volume', // optional
bucket_interval: '1 hour', // defaults to '1 hour'
// Basic candlestick query
const { sql, params } ={
range: {
start: new Date('2025-01-01'),
end: new Date('2025-01-02'),
// With where clause filtering
const { sql: filteredSql, params: filteredParams } ={
range: {
start: new Date('2025-01-01'),
end: new Date('2025-01-02'),
where: {
symbol: 'AAPL',
volume: { '>': 1000000 },
exchange: { IN: ['NYSE', 'NASDAQ'] },
// Returns candlestick data:
// bucket_time, open, high, low, close, volume, vwap, etc.
const results = await query(sql, params);
Check out our example projects:
All builders support granular SQL generation:
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('measurements', {
by_range: { column_name: 'time' },
// Generate only the hypertable creation SQL
const createSql = hypertable.up().build();
// Generate only the compression SQL
const compressionSql = hypertable
.stats({ select: { total_chunks: true } })
The package works well with migration systems:
// In a migration file
import { TimescaleDB } from '@timescaledb/core';
export async function up(queryRunner) {
// Create extension
const extension = TimescaleDB.createExtension();
await queryRunner.query(extension.up().build());
// Create hypertable
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('measurements', {
by_range: { column_name: 'time' },
await queryRunner.query(hypertable.up().build());
export async function down(queryRunner) {
// Drop hypertable
const hypertable = TimescaleDB.createHypertable('measurements', {
by_range: { column_name: 'time' },
await queryRunner.query(hypertable.down().build());
// Drop extension
const extension = TimescaleDB.createExtension();
await queryRunner.query(extension.down().build());