types Routing in web apps Client Side Routing Server Side Routing
Redux Toolkit Steps ->
- Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux You, 4 seconds ago Uncommitted changes
- Build our store
- Provide (using provider from react-redux) & Connect store to application
- Create slice in store
- Dispatch the action
- Subscribe the component to store using Selector (to read / write data to/from the store)
react-redux - Provider, useSelector, useDispatch
@reaactjs/toolkit - configureStore, createSlice
Selector -> specifies what portion of store we need to subscribe by component
Immer Library -> Redux makes use of Immer library which gives the newly modified state by differenciating bet old state - current state
Survey JS -> Made the use of survey js forms library to create and add validations to contact us form.
Deployed MERN app on RENDER -> Backend Hosted URL -> https://nodejs-backend-courses-app.onrender.com/
Frontend Hosted URL -> https://reactjs-frontend-courses.onrender.com/