Azure CLI (bash) script to fully automate the creation of an Azure VM to run Oracle database
Script to automate the creation of an Oracle database on a marketplace
Oracle image within Microsoft Azure, using the Azure CLI.
In addition to creating the VM with either managed disk or Azure NetApp Files storage,
and an Oracle database on that VM, the script will also allocate an Azure Files share
for archived redo log files, and enable Azure VM Backup.
First of all, the "" script expects to do all of its work within an Azure subscription and an Azure resource group.
The name of the Azure subscription has no default value, so the "-S" command-line switch followed by the name of the Azure subscription (possibly enclosed within double-quotes if the subscription name includes spaces) is always required...
$ ./ -S MySubscriptionName
The name of the Azure resource group defaults to "{owner}-{project}-rg", where "{owner}" is the name of the OS account in which the script is being executed (i.e. output from "whoami" command) and "{project}" defaults to the string "oravm". The "{owner}-{project}" string combination is used a lot within the script for naming objects like resource groups, VMs, storage, PPGs, etc. So with this minimal call syntax, where only the name of the Azure subscription is specified, will result in the script expecting a resource group to already exist with the name of "{owner}-oravm-rg", where "{owner}" is the OS account name of the Azure CLI shell running the script. For example, when the author uses "", the resulting OS account name is "tim", so using this minimal call syntax for the "" script means that it expects an Azure resource group named "tim-oravm-rg" to exist already, and it will create about 7-9 Azure objects with a prefix of "tim-oravm-". If you don't want the resource group to be required to have this name, then both these basic values can be changed from the defaults using the "-O" and "-P" command-line switches, respectively...
$ ./ -S MySubscriptionName -O test -P foobar
As a result, the name of the resource group will be expected to be "test-foobar-rg", and all of the Azure objects created within the resource group will also be named with the prefix string of "test-foobar-". If the name of the resource group is something else (i.e. "MyResourceGroupName") but you'd like all of the objects created by the script to start with the prefix string "test-foobar-", then you can use the following call syntax...
$ ./ -S MySubscriptionName -R MyResourceGroupName -O test -P foobar
As a result, the precreated resource group named "MyResourceGroupName" within the existing "MySubscriptionName" subscription will be populated with objects with names like "test-foobar-vm01", "test-foobar-vnet", "test-foobar-vnet", etc.
Please see the next section for a complete list of all of the command-line switches, what they control, and default values... -G val -H val -N -O val -P val -S val -c val -d val -i val -n val -p val -r val -s val -u val -v -w val -z val
-G resource-group-name name of the Azure resource group (default: \"{owner}-{project}-rg\")
-H ORACLE_HOME full path of ORACLE_HOME software (default: /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1)
-N skip network setup i.e. vnet, NSG, NSG rules (default: false)
-O owner-tag name of the owner to use in Azure tags (default: Linux 'whoami')
-P project-tag name of the project to use in Azure tags (default: oravm)
-S subscription name of the Azure subscription (no default)
-c True|False True is ReadWrite for OS / ReadOnly for data, False is None (default: True)
-d domain-name IP domain name (default:
-i instance-type name of the Azure VM instance type (default: Standard_D4ds_v4)
-n #data-disks number of data disks to attach to the VM (default: 1)
-p Oracle-port port number of the Oracle TNS Listener (default: 1521)
-r region name of Azure region (default: westus)
-s ORACLE_SID Oracle System ID (SID) value (default: oradb01)
-u urn Azure URN for the VM from the marketplace (default: Oracle:oracle-database-19-3:oracle-database-19-0904:19.3.1)
-v set verbose output is true (default: false)
-w password clear-text value of initial SYS and SYSTEM password in Oracle database (default: oracleA1)
-z data-disk-GB size of each attached data-disk in GB (default: 4095)
1) Azure subscription, specify with "-S" switch, as explained
above (default: none)
2) Azure resource group, specify with "-G" switch or with a
combination of "-O" (project owner tag) and "-P" (project name)
values (default: "(project owner tag)-(project name)-rg").
For example, if the project owner tag is "abc" and the project
name is "beetlejuice", then by default the resource group is
expected to be named "abc-beetlejuice-rg", unless changes have
been specified using the "-G", "-O", or "-P" switches
3) Use the "-v" (verbose) switch to verify that program variables
have the expected values
4) For users who are expected to use prebuilt storage accounts
and networking (i.e. vnet, subnet, network security groups, etc),
consider using the "-N" switch to accept these as prerequisites
If the command-line parameter for the number of dataDisks (i.e. "-n") is set to one or greater (default is "1"), then this script will allocate premium SSD with LRS redundancy.
If the command-line has "-n 0" (i.e. zero data disks) specified, then this script will instead allocate Azure NetApp Files (ANF) storage over NFS v4.1.
For example, to create an E16ds v4 VM with four 2 TiB data disks on the Azure marketplace image for Oracle19c in the WestUS2 region, please try these command-line options...
./ \
-v \
-S "ExampleSubscriptionName" \
-P ora19c \
-i Standard_E16ds_v4
-n 2 \
-z 2048 \
-r westus2
This will have the following impact, besides generating the example output displayed in the "oravm_output.txt" file...
- the "-v" switch will display all script variables values and parameter values at the beginning of the execution
- set the Azure subscription used by the session
- set the Azure "project" value to "ora19c", which will impact the naming of all objects and tags
- build a VM sized at Standard_E16ds_v4 using the default Azure marketplace Oracle19c image with an OS disk and two data disks of 2 TiB in the West US 2 region.
- please note that the marketplace Oracle19c image has ORACLE_HOME at a specific location
To locate Oracle images in the Azure marketplace, you can use the Azure CLI command as follows...
$ az vm image list --offer Oracle --all --publisher Oracle --output table
Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version
-------------------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------
oracle-database-19-3 Oracle oracle-database-19-0904 Oracle:oracle-database-19-3:oracle-database-19-0904:19.3.1 19.3.1
Oracle-Database-Ee Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Ee: 12.1.20170220
Oracle-Database-Ee Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Ee: 12.2.20180725
Oracle-Database-Ee Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Ee: 18.3.20181213
Oracle-Database-Se Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Se: 12.1.20170220
Oracle-Database-Se Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Se: 12.2.20180725
Oracle-Database-Se Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Se: 18.3.20181213
Oracle-Linux Oracle 6.10 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:6.10:6.10.00 6.10.00
Oracle-Linux Oracle 6.8 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:6.8:6.8.0 6.8.0
Oracle-Linux Oracle 6.9 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:6.9:6.9.0 6.9.0
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.3 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.3:7.3.0 7.3.0
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.3 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.3:7.3.20190529 7.3.20190529
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.4 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.4:7.4.1 7.4.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.4 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.4:7.4.20190529 7.4.20190529
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.5 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.5:7.5.1 7.5.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.5 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.5:7.5.2 7.5.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.5 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.5:7.5.20181207 7.5.20181207
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.5 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.5:7.5.20190529 7.5.20190529
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.5 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.5:7.5.3 7.5.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.6 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.6:7.6.2 7.6.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.6 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.6:7.6.3 7.6.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.6 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.6:7.6.4 7.6.4
Oracle-Linux Oracle 7.6 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:7.6:7.6.5 7.6.5
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77:7.7.1 7.7.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77:7.7.2 7.7.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77:7.7.3 7.7.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77:7.7.4 7.7.4
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77:7.7.5 7.7.5
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77:7.7.6 7.7.6
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77-ci Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77-ci:7.7.01 7.7.01
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77-ci Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77-ci:7.7.02 7.7.02
Oracle-Linux Oracle 77-ci Oracle:Oracle-Linux:77-ci:7.7.03 7.7.03
Oracle-Linux Oracle 78 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:78:7.8.3 7.8.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle 78 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:78:7.8.5 7.8.5
Oracle-Linux Oracle 79-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:79-gen2:7.9.11 7.9.11
Oracle-Linux Oracle 79-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:79-gen2:7.9.12 7.9.12
Oracle-Linux Oracle 79-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:79-gen2:7.9.13 7.9.13
Oracle-Linux Oracle 8 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:8:8.0.2 8.0.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle 8-ci Oracle:Oracle-Linux:8-ci:8.0.11 8.0.11
Oracle-Linux Oracle 81 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:81:8.1.0 8.1.0
Oracle-Linux Oracle 81 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:81:8.1.2 8.1.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle 81-ci Oracle:Oracle-Linux:81-ci:8.1.0 8.1.0
Oracle-Linux Oracle 81-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:81-gen2:8.1.11 8.1.11
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol77-ci-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol77-ci-gen2:7.7.1 7.7.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol77-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol77-gen2:7.7.01 7.7.01
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol77-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol77-gen2:7.7.02 7.7.02
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol77-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol77-gen2:7.7.03 7.7.03
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol78-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol78-gen2:7.8.03 7.8.03
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol78-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol78-gen2:7.8.05 7.8.05
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol79 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol79:7.9.1 7.9.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol79 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol79:7.9.2 7.9.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol79 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol79:7.9.3 7.9.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol79-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol79-gen2:7.9.11 7.9.11
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol79-lvm Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol79-lvm:7.9.01 7.9.01
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol79-lvm-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol79-lvm-gen2:7.9.11 7.9.11
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol82 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol82:8.2.1 8.2.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol82 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol82:8.2.3 8.2.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol82-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol82-gen2:8.2.01 8.2.01
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol83-lvm Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol83-lvm:8.3.1 8.3.1
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol83-lvm Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol83-lvm:8.3.2 8.3.2
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol83-lvm Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol83-lvm:8.3.3 8.3.3
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol83-lvm-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol83-lvm-gen2:8.3.11 8.3.11
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol83-lvm-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol83-lvm-gen2:8.3.12 8.3.12
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol83-lvm-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol83-lvm-gen2:8.3.13 8.3.13
Oracle-Linux Oracle ol8_2-gen2 Oracle:Oracle-Linux:ol8_2-gen2:8.2.13 8.2.13
oracle_virtual_esbc Oracle oracle_evsbc_8301 Oracle:oracle_virtual_esbc:oracle_evsbc_8301:8.3.1 8.3.1
If you remove all the entries for Oracle Linux standalone and Oracle WebLogic, leaving only Oracle database images, you might see something like this...
$ az vm image list --offer Oracle-Database --all --publisher Oracle --output table
Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version
-------------------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------
oracle-database-19-3 Oracle oracle-database-19-0904 Oracle:oracle-database-19-3:oracle-database-19-0904:19.3.1 19.3.1
Oracle-Database-Ee Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Ee: 12.1.20170220
Oracle-Database-Ee Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Ee: 12.2.20180725
Oracle-Database-Ee Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Ee: 18.3.20181213
Oracle-Database-Se Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Se: 12.1.20170220
Oracle-Database-Se Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Se: 12.2.20180725
Oracle-Database-Se Oracle Oracle:Oracle-Database-Se: 18.3.20181213
Reminder: the URN value is what the "" script expects as a value for the "-u" switch, just FYI?