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The Tidepool Platform API.

Build Status Code Climate Issue Count


  1. Install Go version 1.11.4 or later

  2. Install mongodb (if it is not already installed, or run it from Docker)

    The tests assume that mongodb is listening on

    1. Configure mongodb replica sets (required for tests to pass)

      A single node is all that's required. It can be as simple as simple adding --replSet rs0 when running mongd, or the equivalent config file change.

  3. Start mongodb (if it is not already running)

    1. Initiate the replica set

      Something like: mongosh rs.initiate()

  4. Clone this repo

  5. Change directory to the path you cloned the repo into

  6. Source the file

  7. Execute make buildable to install the various Go tools needed for building and editing the project

For example:

brew install go
brew install mongo
brew services start mongodb
git clone
cd platform
. ./
make buildable


  1. Setup the environment, as above.
  2. Build the project.
  3. Execute a service.

In addition to the setup above, for example:

make build

Use Ctrl-C to stop the executable. It may take up to 60 seconds to stop.

Note: For testing and development, services are generally run on a local Kubernetes cluster through the development repo.


  • To setup your Go environment for building and editing the project:
make buildable
  • To build the executables:
make build

All executables are built to the _bin directory in a hierarchy that matches the locations of executable source files.

The environment variable BUILD indicates which executables to build. If not specified, then all executables are built. For example, to build just the executables found in the services directory:

BUILD=services make build
  • To run all of the tests manually:
make test

The environment variable TEST indicates which package hierarchy to test. If not specified, then all packages are tested. For example,

TEST=user make test
  • To run all of the tests automatically after any changes are made, in a separate terminal window:
make test-watch

The environment variable WATCH indicates which package hierarchy to test. If not specified, then all packages are tested. For example,

WATCH=user make test-watch
  • To run gofmt, goimports, go vet, and golint:
make pre-commit
  • To clean the project of all build files:
make clean

Sublime Text

If you use the Sublime Text editor with the GoSublime plugin, open the platform.sublime-project project to ensure the GOPATH and PATH environment variables are set correctly within Sublime Text. In addition, the recommended user settings are:

  "autocomplete_builtins": true,
  "autocomplete_closures": true,
  "autoinst": false,
  "fmt_cmd": [
  "fmt_enabled": true,
  "fmt_tab_width": 4,
  "use_named_imports": true

Upgrade Golang Version


Before you update this repository to use a newer version of Golang, please perform these checks:

  • Review the release notes for all Golang versions, major and minor, from the current Golang version to the target Golang version. The entire Golang release history can be found at
    • For major revisions, if any change described in the release notes could have a negative impact upon this repository, follow up and review any associated issues and the updated code. Make note of this change in order to explicitly test after upgrading.
    • For minor revisions, review all issues included in the associated GitHub milestone issue tracker. These can be found in the minor revision release notes. If any issue could have a negative impact upon this repository, review the updated code. Make note of this issue in order to explicitly test after upgrading.
  • Install gimme( via brew. Execute gimme -k. Ensure that the target Golang version is listed. The gimme tool is used by Travis CI to manage Golang versions. If the version is not listed, then the Travis CI build will not succeed.
  • Browse to and ensure the target Golang version in an Alpine Linux image is available. For example, if the target version is 1.11.4, then ensure that the 1.11.4-alpine image tag is available. If the image tag is not avaiable, then the Travis CI build will not succeed.


Ensure you are using the target Golang version locally.

Change the version in .travis.yml and all Dockerfile.* files.

Add an entry in and commit.


Ensure the ci-build and ci-test Makefile targets pass using the target Golang version.

If you previously noted any changes or issues of concern, perform any explicit tests necessary.

Upgrade Dependencies


go get -u <dependacy>   # e.g. go get -u
go mod tidy
go mod vendor


Review all pending changes to all dependencies. If any changes could have a negative impact upon this repository, make note of this change to explicitly test afterwards.


Ensure the ci-build and ci-test Makefile targets pass using the target Golang version.

If you previously noted any changes or issues of concern, perform any explicit tests necessary.