- scatter-gl -- github
- Note the CDN install for a web page
- Get the version number and dependency in
-- 0.0.11 for scatter-gl and 0.125 for three.js- See the recommendation on Observable talk
- The issue: Introduction to require -- observable
- Links to good resources at the bottom of this notebook
- See especially "Requiring stubborn add-ons"
- The solution: ScatterGL npm
- QUESTION: What can you say about performance from this demo?
Visualize the Palmer Penguins with Scatter-GL.
- Load the library
ScatterGL = {
const { ScatterGL } = await require.alias({
THREE: "three@0.125/build/three.min.js"
return ScatterGL;
- Load the data
penguins = d3.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allisonhorst/palmerpenguins/master/inst/extdata/penguins.csv",
- Render the data
const div = DOM.element("div");
div.style.height = "500px";
yield div;
// Notice the data are scaled so each axes have approximately equal range
const data = penguins.map(d => [d.bill_length_mm / 2, d.bill_depth_mm, d.flipper_length_mm / 5]);
const dataset = new ScatterGL.Dataset(data);
const scatterGL = new ScatterGL(div);
Color the penguins by Species
"The ScatterGL constructor can accept a number of parameters via a ScatterGLParams object." (quoted from the API reference)
- Get a list of unique species names -- we'll use these as indices into the categorical colormap
species = [...new Set(penguins.map(d => d.species))] // using "spread syntax"
- Define a callback function
, with arguments defined in the API reference documentation
function pointColorer(i, selected, hover) {
- Instantiate ScatterGL with a parameters object that includes
property- Change:
const scattergl = new ScatterGL(div)
- to:
const scatterGL = new ScatterGL(div, {pointColorer: pointColorer});
Make the penguin color change to black on hover.
This requires only a small change to the pointColorer
function pointColorer(i, selected, hover) {
return (i == hover) ? "#000" : d3.schemeCategory10[species.indexOf(penguins[i].species)];