Releases: thuongtruong1009/java-oop-training
Releases · thuongtruong1009/java-oop-training
v3.1 official
What's Changed
- add bin output system
- feat: add source code Tranding landhouse by @thuongtruong1009 in #21
Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.1
What's Changed
- Fix small paths of the folder
- feat: add source code control by @thuongtruong1009 in #20
Full Changelog: v3.0...v3.0.1
v3.0 official
What's Changed
- add circle ci action config
- add source code of Pay the school fee
- add source code of Pay Employee salary
- add Banking cycle souce code
- add system file projects
- feat: add new feature by @thuongtruong1009 in #8
- feat: add new feature by @thuongtruong1009 in #9
- feat: add new feature and system file project by @thuongtruong1009 in #10
- feat(new feature): add banking cycle source code by @thuongtruong1009 in #11
- feat: add new circle ci config by @thuongtruong1009 in #12
- feat(new feature): add circleci config of pipeline workflow by @thuongtruong1009 in #13
- feat: add source code of project by @thuongtruong1009 in #14
- add bin of project by @thuongtruong1009 in #16
- add bin of project by @thuongtruong1009 in #17
- feat: add souce code main by @thuongtruong1009 in #18
Full Changelog: v2.0...v3.0
v2.0 official
add new project employee management in Java using:
- Interface class
- Inherent from the parent class
- make intro with design pattern
- practice object-oriented in programming
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v1.0 official
This release, has newly:
- Add source code to make warehouse management OOP project.