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Go Telegram

This repository features a library that offers a more intuitive API for implementing bot logic on Telegram, built on top of the tgbotapi library. The library simplifies the process of handling keyboard callbacks, webapp data and form submissions by using the Finite State Machine pattern for form management.

Globals and Data Providers

The library includes a globals configuration file that defines key settings and data providers for the bot's functionality. Currently, it supports Redis as the data provider through the RedisProvider option.

Key Global Variables:

  • AppName: This variable should be set to the name of your application. It is required to initialize the repository.
  • DataProvider: Specifies the data provider to use. The default and currently only supported provider is Redis (RedisProvider).


  • SetAppName(name string): Sets the application name, which is used as a prefix in the Redis keys.
  • SetDataProvider(provider dataProvider): Allows switching the data provider, though Redis is the only implementation at this time.

Usage Example:

package main

import (

func main() {

	repo := bot.NewRepository[MyEntity]()
	// Use the repository as needed

Repository Context Functions:

  • WithEditableRepo: Adds an editable message repository to the context.
  • WithReplyActionRepo: Adds a reply action repository to the context.
  • WithFormAnswerRepo: Adds a form answer repository to the context.


Simple Message

package main

import (

	tgbotapi ""

func main() {
	bot, err := bot.New(os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"))
	if err != nil {

	msg := message.NewSimpleMessage(&message.Params{
		Content:   "Hello, this is a simple message!",
		Recipient: 42069,
		Bot:       bot,

	if _, err := msg.Send(context.TODO(),
		// Parse mode
		// Buttons (check handlers for each callbacks type)
		message.WithMessageButtons(message.KeyboardRow{{"Click Me", "simple"}}),
		// OR
		message.WithWebappButton("Google", ""),
		// Reply options
		// OR
	); err != nil {

Keyboard Callback

package main

import (

	tgbotapi ""

func main() {
	updateHandlers := []update.Handler{
		update.NewKeyboardCallbackUpdate("simple", func(u tgbotapi.Update) error {
			fmt.Println("Button clicked:", u.CallbackQuery.Message.Text)
			return nil

	bot, err := bot.New(
	if err != nil {

	msg := message.NewSimpleMessage(&message.Params{
		Content:   "Hello, this is a simple message!",
		Recipient: 42069,
		Bot:       bot,

	if _, err := msg.Send(context.TODO(),
		message.WithMessageButtons(message.KeyboardRow{{"Click Me", "simple"}}),
	); err != nil {

	chErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		for err := range chErr {
			log.Printf("error: %+v\n", err)

	bot.Updates(context.TODO(), chErr)

Sending and Editing a Messages

This example demonstrates sending an EditableMessage that can be updated later with a CandidateMessage.

package main

import (

	tgbotapi ""

func main() {
	bot, err := bot.NewBot(os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"))
	if err != nil {

	ctx := context.Background()

	simpleMsg := message.NewSimpleMessage(&message.Params{
		Content:   "Hello, this is a simple message!",
		Recipient: 42069,
		Bot:       bot,

	// Convert the simple message to editable
	editableMsg := message.ToEditable(simpleMsg)
	if _, err := editableMsg.Send(ctx); err != nil {

	candidateMsg := message.NewCandidateMessage(&message.Params{
		Content:   "This is a candidate message that can be used to edit the last editable message.",
		Recipient: 42069,
		Bot:       bot,

	if _, err := candidateMsg.Send(ctx); err != nil {

Handling a Reply Action

package main

import (

	tgbotapi ""

func main() {
	bot, err := message.NewBot(os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"))
	if err != nil {

	ctx := context.Background()
	ctx = bot.WithReplyActionRepo(ctx, bot.NewRepository[message.ReplyAction]())

	msg := message.NewSimpleMessage(&message.Params{
		Content:   "Please reply to this message.",
		OnReply:   "handle_reply_action",
		Recipient: 42069,
		Bot:       bot,

	if _, err := msg.Send(ctx); err != nil {

	// Function to handle the reply action
	handleReplyAction := func(ctx context.Context, msg *tgbotapi.Message) {
		log.Printf("Received reply: %s", msg.Text)
		// Perform additional logic based on the reply

		update.NewReplyUpdate("handle_reply_action", handleReplyAction),

Form Submission

This example demonstrates how to handle form submissions using the Finite State Machine pattern. You can also handle form fields with custom prompts and orders using the PromptProvider interface. Implement the FieldPrompts method to provide custom prompts for each field.

package main

import (

	tgbotapi ""

var _ update.PromptProvider = (*UserForm)(nil)

type UserForm struct {
	FirstName string `telegram_prompt:"What is your first name?" telegram_prompt_order:"1"`
	City      string `telegram_prompt:"Where do you live?"`
	Age       int

func (f *UserForm) FieldPrompts() ([]update.FormFieldPrompt, error) {
	return []update.FormFieldPrompt{
			Name:   "Age",
			Prompt: "How old are you?",
			Order:  2,
	}, nil

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	ctx = bot.WithFormAnswerRepo(ctx, bot.NewRepository[update.FormAnswer]())

	bot, err := bot.New(os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"))
	if err != nil {

	msg := message.NewSimpleMessage(&message.Params{
		Content:   "Please fill out the form.",
		Recipient: 42069,
		Bot:       bot,

	if _, err := msg.Send(ctx,
		message.WithMessageButtons(message.KeyboardRow{{"Start Form", "start_form"}}), // Key should match the handler key to trigger the form
	); err != nil {

	onSubmit := func(ctx context.Context, data *UserForm) error {
		fmt.Println("Form submitted:", data)
		return nil

		update.NewFormHandlers(ctx, &update.NewFormHandlerParams[UserForm]{
			Type:     update.HandlerTypeKeyboardCallback,
			Key:      "start_form", // Keyboard callback key
			Form:     &UserForm{},
			OnSubmit: onSubmit,
			Bot:      bot,

	chErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		for err := range chErr {
			log.Printf("error: %+v\n", err)

	bot.Updates(ctx, chErr)


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.