Chat System, written by TRAN Trong Hieu, TRAN Le Minh and Eduardo Calvillo, who are students in 4IR, INSA Toulouse.
This system provides an interface in which a group of users can chat between each other and send texts or images, as long as they are all in the same local network. More information can be found in the User's Manual found in this same repository.
ChatSystem is tested for both Windows 10 and Unix operative systems, and in both cases showed great performances.
ChatSystem requires an Internet connection to work properly.
As a Java program, ChatSystem requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 at the least.
ChatSystem uses the following supplementary libraries: Apache Commons Lang 3 and SQLite, which are both already included in the program download.
- Version 1.00 (without Database, Java Servlets)
- Version 1.01 (implemented Database Local)
- Version 1.02 (changed to centralized architecture)
The web folder containing our Use Case, Sequence and Class Diagrams can be found here
You can download ChatSystem v1.01 and view some extra information by clicking the "Releases" button on the bar alongside commits and contributors, or you can follow this link