$ bundle install
$ bundle exec middleman
# or run the Rake task
$ rake preview
- Click here to be brought to the new post page
- Title your file following the pattern
<date>-<title with dashes>.md
, an example of this would be2015-01-01-my-awesome-blog-post.md
- Add the following block to the beginning of the file, this block contains the meta data for the post:
layout: post
title: "My Awesome Blog post"
social: true
author: Dan McClain
twitter: "_danmcclain"
github: danmcclain
summary: "A brief summary of your post"
published: true
tags: tags, separating each, with commas
- Make sure publish is true, otherwise your blog post will not appear
- Place a new line underneath this meta data, and paste your content
- Scroll to the bottom, adding a commit message summary in the present
Adds my awesome blog post
- Make this commit on a new branch by clicking the bottom radio button and giving the branch a name
- At this point, you will be brought to the pull request page, click the 'Create Pull Request' button
- Ask people to review your awesome new blog post
- Pull down the latest
$ git pull origin master
- Make a new branch
$ git checkout -b YOURNAME-your-topic-name
- Done writing? Now you can submit your PR...
$ git push origin YOURNAME-your-topic-name
- Open a PR on Github using hub
$ brew install hub
$ hub pull-request -m "My awesome blog post" -b dockyard:master
- Or do it the old school way via the GitHub UI. Done getting feedback? Merge your branch into
- Upload the image(s) to imgur and grab the URL. Be sure to include the image with HTTPS.
DockYard, LLC © 2013